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Posts posted by MharcI

  1. yeah... and if that doesnt happen?

    im giving it till friday, and then im going to call her. but only to ask to meet up so i can have my stuff back. nothing else, from this meeting i will try to gauge her feeling, and will then decide what to do.

  2. Or maybe not, because after this time that we hung out i've tried to make plans with her twice and both times she gave me some lame ass excuse. She sent me a text saying "im sorry if you think im being weird, but im just really stressed out right now due to school and work"

    I dunno, I haven't tried to initiate contact after that, its been like two days. Which was hard as hell for me, I guess I will go the path of not talking to her, though if I dont hear back from her by the end of next week im definitely going to call her and arrange a get together, ill just tell her whats on my mind.

    Shit really sucks. Whatever.

    Best way to get your girl back is No Contact and when she comes crawling dont talk about you and her or the past or how you feel. Just be indifferent to the situation and you may ask WHEN is she gonna come back? well most of the time they do in some way but the minute you start talking about the past or feelings it fucks it all up again.

    Go live your life and don't hold your breath till she comes back cause some come in a week some come in a year and if she doesn't come then it wasn't meant to be and by that time the memories will have started to fade and you might find someone else that is well worth your time.

    What do you think if its not an ex, but current gf?

    Quoting my earlier post, would like opinions. Hate soundin like a bitch, but this shit is really killing me, and maybe tis a good thing none of my friends want to hear about it haha, but an outsiders opinion is always nice to hear


    originally posted by MharcI

    Well I actually hung out with her tonight, and more and more i'm beginning to believe this junk is in my head... she was really affectionate towards me, and she told me a lot of old pent up personal family shit, so I guess thats something.

    Though, when we split I told her to text me when she gets home so I know shes alright, she hasnt done that, and she always does this. Shes really forgetful, which bothers me, but wtf you gonna do.

    Or maybe not, because after this time that we hung out i've tried to make plans with her twice and both times she gave me some lame ass excuse. She sent me a text saying "im sorry if you think im being weird, but im just really stressed out right now due to school and work"

    I dunno, I haven't tried to initiate contact after that, its been like two days. Which was hard as hell for me, I guess I will go the path of not talking to her, though if I dont hear back from her by the end of next week im definitely going to call her and arrange a get together, ill just tell her whats on my mind.

    Shit really sucks. Whatever.

  3. Well I actually hung out with her tonight, and more and more i'm beginning to believe this junk is in my head... she was really affectionate towards me, and she told me a lot of old pent up personal family shit, so I guess thats something.

    Though, when we split I told her to text me when she gets home so I know shes alright, she hasnt done that, and she always does this. Shes really forgetful, which bothers me, but wtf you gonna do.

    Or maybe not, because after this time that we hung out i've tried to make plans with her twice and both times she gave me some lame ass excuse. She sent me a text saying "im sorry if you think im being weird, but im just really stressed out right now due to school and work"

    I dunno, I haven't tried to initiate contact after that, its been like two days. Which was hard as hell for me, I guess I will go the path of not talking to her, though if I dont hear back from her by the end of next week im definitely going to call her and arrange a get together, ill just tell her whats on my mind.

    Shit really sucks. Whatever.

  4. Your dick has friend-zoned her. Please listen to your dick. :(

    Have an honest, face to face discussion with her about it. If she isn't cool with your candour and would rather play stupid highschool games, cut your losses.

    figure out which one you like more, then tell the other one to fuck off. if facebook is the issue, and you want one last ditch effort at saving both, just delete facebook and the problem pretty much fixes itself. if she continues sending you drunk texts and saying weird shit...then it's getting weird and its time to stop whether or not you want to save your friendship.

    Well I actually hung out with her tonight, and more and more i'm beginning to believe this junk is in my head... she was really affectionate towards me, and she told me a lot of old pent up personal family shit, so I guess thats something.

    Though, when we split I told her to text me when she gets home so I know shes alright, she hasnt done that, and she always does this. Shes really forgetful, which bothers me, but wtf you gonna do.

  5. As for Ian maybe it's a bad idea, but why not try poppin some viaga or something, this way you can actually get through the act, and maybe shell act differently when you can go, and for you it might change some things due to how she acts differently

  6. I on the other hand feel like i'm losing my girlfriend and I don't know wtf to do about it.

    This was a girl a year ago who I hung out with couple of times, then she basically fell off the edge of the earth and it fucked me like nothing else. Eventually I got over it, about two months ago we somehow reconnect, and though i'm apprehensive about starting anything again with her, we begin dating each other.

    But I dunno, it's so weird, at times I get huge vibes from her that shes really into me, wants to be with me etc, but lately shes grown really distant and uncommunicative. We only get to see each other twice a week usually, on Friday and Saturday, because thats all our schedules permit, but we (I) try to make the most of it. This Friday, normally when she was eager to come back up to my APT after hanging out, she told me she didnt feel well and had to go home.

    Thats another thing, anytime we meet up I ask her what she wants to do, always she has no idea, and I have to think of something. As well as that, whenever we've hung out with other people, it's always been my friends. Not hers.

    We dont really talk during the week on the phone, or text each other. I mean we do but not really, and she rarely initiates it. I like to think its because shes not a fan of phone/text conversations, and to be honest neither am I. But I want that to be the reason, and not her not wanting to talk to me.

    I really don't know, this is the girl of my dreams and id really hate for her to slip away, I know its bad but im hinging all of my current happiness on her, and this relationship working out.

    It's fucking stupid that being in a relationship is actually causing me such stress and feeling of depression, but those have always been there. It's also made me think about myself in shitty ways. Like maybe i'm a bad person, and this is the way the universe is paying me back.

    Or maybe i'm just creating problems for myself, and this is all in my head. I feel like I need to sit down and talk with her about where we headed/how we feel about each other.

    I really think the problem stems from the fact that we don't get to see each other often, but despite that I hope it works out.

    Blah, had to let that out.

  7. Hahaha, I ain't trying to be a bitch or anything, but me and this girl got a great thing going, and before this I've always banged the girl no later than a week into it, and afterwards it began to disintigrate rather quickly.

    I figured this time i'd wait a bit, we were going to last weekend, but she was on her period, so I kinda took it as a blessing in disguise...dunno

  8. Was fooling around with the girl i've been dating for a hot minute now, just as im pullin off her jeans she hits me with the "im on my period..."

    it was slight consolation when she followed it up with, "but i would!"

    but not really, blah. at least she had the common courtesy to give me head. when they dont do that after leading you on its seriously fucked.

  9. Seriously? Have you no self control? That's really fucked up, man.

    What's most disturbing about it is that you know it's fucked up, yet you continue to do it - and then go on to confess it on an internet fashion forum. Want to say no hate but I'm cringing a bit.

    That's the kind of shit that needs to go into superconfessional.

  10. I'm dating this girl now, and i've never felt more jealous/possessive in any relationship than I do now. It's totally unlike me, and i'm doing a good job hiding it, but it's eating me alive. Need to fix this.

    This has just caused me to figure out her email password, and look at her shit.

    I really fucking hate myself sometimes.

  11. I'm dating this girl now, and i've never felt more jealous/possessive in any relationship than I do now. It's totally unlike me, and i'm doing a good job hiding it, but it's eating me alive. Need to fix this.

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