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Posts posted by MharcI

  1. Oh nah, I understand that, but I also understand that buying word for mac is a couple of hundred bucks.

    Im saying that the word-eqse program that comes on the mac, when in school i open that file in word will it work, and look the same?

  2. So I need a laptop for school/general purpose.

    The only thing i'm really going to be using it for is writing papers, surfing the web, watching movies, nothing severe

    Wondering how much of a pain in the ass is it to deal with using Macs version of word, and converting it so that it appears like a normal word file? Everyone tells me its no big deal, but i'd like some 2nd opinions.

    I also have an iphone, so thats another reason i'd rather get a mac than pc laptop.

    Granted I put away my worries with the whole word thing, the regular old $999 macbook should be perfectly suitable for me no?

  3. I met this girl last week, drunkenly hooked up with her, I called her couple of days later, we make plans to chill later in the week, details will be worked out.

    Anyway, so I text her a couple days after that to work out the details. Shes entirely down for it, seems to express enthusiasm, were meeting up tomorrow.

    Only thing is, she takes at least an hour or two or even more between texts. Were only texting to make plans, and not having a conversation, so its not totally imperative that she respond quickly, but seriously, its mad annoying, she just playing games, or its just a habit of hers?

  4. Today after work a coworker and I decided to smoke, my guy wasn't picking up so he called someone he knew.

    We go to the spot, and the guy lives in the exact same townhouse complex I lived in growing up till I was like 5.

    I guess things do come full circle. I thought it was funny.

  5. Lots of Chinese Americans understand this really well. I think we might be the last lame major Asians. I think my Korean American and Japanese American have more leeway in choosing the direction of their lives. I can't tell you how many of my Chinese friends study something for 3 or 4 years just to realize that they hate their lives and change their majors, making them take 5 to 6 years to finish university instead of 3 like me, because I know what I wanted to do and did it.

    Look, your parents work hard for you and your siblings to have a better life, and for you to be happy. You understand this really well, and it's damn great. I think the goal of life is to try to be happy. Do what you need to do, and if you're lucky, you will be happy while doing it, and succeed. Unless you were born into a shitty family and in poverty and have no way out of it, you should try not to be too bitchy. Depression does exist, and is a true bitch though; it's just a roll of the dice.

    If you do your RN program, I don't see you lasting more than 5 years in it. And if you do, you will just end up depressed, and 'change your major'. Do what you need to do, and I hope your parents will understand. You are not betraying them. You seem like a good guy.

    I appreciate the kind words, and you speak the truth. My goal is to make a bit of money then get out of the nursing field and open up my own business. Im not trying to stay there.

    In general thanks for the kind words from everyone, and i'm happy a good discussion came of this.

  6. The only reason i'm taking the path in life I am now is because of my parents.

    I feel like it's warranted, despite having to raise 3 kids (i'm the oldest) with the odds being against their side, and emigrating to this country from Soviet Russia, they have done an amazing job.

    My dad works 12 hour days doing some bullshit work killing himself just to sustain us, with one day off off a week. Never complains.

    I graduated HS early last month strictly for the purpose of going to college early, getting it all done as quick as possible and then making their quality of life better. It's a 2.5 year RN program, and i'll be honest when I say that 90% of me doest want to do it, my passions lie elsewhere.

    Last thing I want to do is shlep myself to a community college for 3 years to become a nurse, get a job, etc.

    I'd love to go away to some school, have the basic college experience etc. I feel like i'm missing out on so much shit, but at the same time I feel like it's the right thing to do.

    And it's not like they realize i'm doing it for them, I don't state it blatantly, they think this is what I wanna do.

    I know it's the right to do, and I owe it to them. But I often wonder how much of myself am I giving up, and will this path ever lead to internal happiness? I absolutely will feel fulfilled and happy when I can begin to help out my parents, but like I said, at the same time how much of myself am I giving up?

    To sum it all up, fuck kids like Haploid where everything is perfect for them and they create their own problems. Asking his parents why they put him on this planet hahaha.

  7. i think he's right. i have a similar style right now. you just have to put mousse into wet hair before blowdrying it in the direction you want, and use a curling brush to get it to curl correctly. after blowdry you take some matte paste and run it through the hair for some hold.

    the trick is blowdrying the roots the OPPOSITE way of how you want it to go so it will hold itself up throughout the day.

    This is pretty much it, I get out of the shower, while my hair is still pretty wet I equally distribute some mousse threw it, style it with my hands in the general shape, then attack it with a blowdryer/curl brush till its dry

  8. My dad was born and grew up in Russia, it was nearly impossible to come by good denim in the Soviet Union, but he always said he found them anyway.

    The first time I bought a pair of raws, and started talking to him explaining about it, he kinda cut me off and said he knew all bout it. I tried to get him a pair, but by know his tastes have deviated and he only wears nouvea russian hugo boss jeans haha

    Anyway, heres a shot of him back in the day.


  9. The last thing this thread needs is another shirtless bathroom pic, but yeah....

    had a jugend for awhile, as everyone said, shit is played, grew it into this semi pomp type of thing, im diggin it for now. cant think of anything else to do with it


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