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Posts posted by MharcI
You as well my man, when we grabbin beers. Im posted up on 5th ave, now. workin
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But this thread was better when I was wylin, ill admit that
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Literally loling, check the djrajio thread, im chillin fellas
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Ahaha, you guys are crazy. I only read the rest of the thread after I replied to RandRs post.
I really couldn't be other. I should have acted more mature in the first place, all the problems I had dealt with my own insecurities.
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talk to the girl first and just tell her what you told us. Seriously. There's nothing wrong with communicating with your girl, and solving a problem that affects both of you, together, will make that relationship stronger.
as for your friend...he might be jealous. He might feel like "man, I didn't know I was into this girl until my boy got her and now I am passive aggressive". I don't know. I do know that if you talk to him first, there exists a possibility wherein he basically approaches your girl and tells her you were a dick, and saying all this shit, etc etc. To avoid the general awkwardness of this, just talk to your girl first.
90 percent of the problems in this thread are solved by 'talk to your significant other honestly and openly". Then there's Mharci, but I'm sure he's okay, somewhere in NYC, so that's no big deal. Good luck.
I'm chillin hard, all is well. Realized what I got, realized what I worried about was nonsense. And you're right about a lot thing being solved by just talking openly and honestly with the other person.
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I bet MharcI is having some serious deja vu right now.
I'm chillin, gotta realize no ones perfect.
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Knicks are doing work right now, lets go
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I think behind closed doors Mharcl eats kittens alive.
Nah, just drink too much.
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Im probably a sociopath.
I know she wont leave me.
But I made it seem like I was breaking up with her the other night.
Seeing her break down completely and cry was terrible, but at the same time made me realize this girl really does love me.
I should be with her, things are sticky now, she kept telling me I was making a mistake (which I knew)
I acted well, made it seem like I really did make a mistake. Stellar performance in general by me, I would say so. Through and through.
Things are a little weird now, shes acting a little bugged out, which is reasonable. But putting the pieces back together is fun for me.
I know theres something wrong with me.
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I think you're a sociopath
Id say that is a bit extreme.
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Solid advice once again, but being me ill stupidly ignore it all, thanks to all though.
This is probably a mistake, but I pretty much booty texted this somewhat skanky girl who was all over me, but then I met my gf and deaded her.
She seems dtf, I have a nervous,jittery anxiety about it all, but at the same time it feels thrilling.
Made plans with her, she knows the deal. Dont know if when it comes down to it ill go through with it, but I want to see. Consider this a self experiment.
I really have no idea what im doing here.
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And haha magnetic and fade, aint gonna do nothin drastic just yet
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Always comin with the solid shit, its like you take the jumbled pile of exactly what im thinkin, and sort it out so it makes sense.
Like you said what I really need is some time for myself, and self introspection. Ideally a "break" but I really don't want a break for multiple reasons...thing is, I feel like if a temporary break is a time when I go out and get laid, why wouldn't she? Not so much because she needs it want its whatever, but feels hurt and feels like I may not come back.
And if that isn't the case, I don't want things to be different between us when I do come back. She really is absolutely perfect, and I don't want her to change.
But otherwise, its really hard to have my space, how do I do that when shes used to having a phone call from me every night, texts during the day, me usually orchestrating the plans to see each other since we usually work around my schedule. You know, if I stop doing these things as much she'll notice, and from there it can be weird, she might bring it up like "oh whats changed..."
Bottom line is she will definitely notice if im not myself, or at least acting like myself, cause being like this isnt myself im just covering it up well.
It feels a little cramped, I cant find my space, and like I said I really dont want a verbalized break.
I think it is some sort of itch after not being single for a minute, when that is what i'm used too.
Im just wondering if its merely an itch that can go unscratched, and ill realize I am much better off staying with this girl, which is what my gut is telling me, or if its something thats true and I need to bounce.
I just think I know very well that I will regret it if I leave, shit is weird.
I dont know if I say it now, cause I havent done it, but im not so sure that I would feel a lot of guilt or bad if I just cheated on her. But thats before the fact, after the fact I might be guilt ridden and shit will crumble cause of me, then Ill realize the dipshit mistake I made. Blahhh.
Maybe I just want my cake, and too eat it too...
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Posted this in the other thread, but doesnt hurt to crosspost I guess.
This forum has seen my trials and tribulations with my girl, all that shit.
So what the fuck is wrong with me, when after everything, and now i'm fine, I know I love her so much, and I know she loves me more than anything, and is absolutely perfect...that for some reason I feel like blah, I dont feel like being in this anymore.
Ive heard it said that love isnt enough, maybe thats the case? I really do love her a lot, and she is head over heels with me, and treats me wonderfully, but I just feel off...
Am I just fucked up, I wanted to solve all of these problems to leave a clear slate to leave her, am I that fucked up that I wanted everything to appear great before I left her and broke her heart?
At the same time, I feel like if i leave her, I will regret it so so much, and I know she isn't the type of girl to just come back, if I leave, I think it's over.
What the fuck, do I just want a change. Going out on Halloween without her, and seeing all these girls, and having opportunities to sleep with someone else presented kind of made me just want to do it. Could I be that stupid?
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This forum has seen my trials and tribulations with my girl, all that shit.
So what the fuck is wrong with me, when after everything, and now i'm fine, I know I love her so much, and I know she loves me more than anything, and is absolutely perfect...that for some reason I feel like blah, I dont feel like being in this anymore.
Ive heard it said that love isnt enough, maybe thats the case? I really do love her a lot, and she is head over heels with me, and treats me wonderfully, but I just feel off...
Am I just fucked up, I wanted to solve all of these problems to leave a clear slate to leave her, am I that fucked up that I wanted everything to appear great before I left her and broke her heart?
At the same time, I feel like if i leave her, I will regret it so so much, and I know she isn't the type of girl to just come back, if I leave, I think it's over.
What the fuck, do I just want a change. Going out on Halloween without her, and seeing all these girls, and having opportunities to sleep with someone else presented kind of made me just want to do it. Could I be that stupid?
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Izzz my lunch break mang!
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Can anyone else not log on to facebook? Meaning the main page works, but once you try to put log in using your email and password it doesnt.
Or did my employer finally just block it..?
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edit: i could probably use it.
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Actually, fuck it.
It hurts so much to know someone you love and are so compatible with will be leaving you soon, and you'll never have a chance to save the relationship....
Damn. Wish I never met this girl sometimes....
Hahahah! That song, Im slowly but surely getting over that. Ive really figured things are too good to be worried about that shit.
At least I hope so, and me being a jerk isnt the subconcious outpouring of that.
And she aint gonna leave soon! I know this girl is head over heals with me, I just need to better work on my temper sometimes, and not let the little shit eat at me. Ugh.
Whoever said relationships arent easy was so right.
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And R&R, fuck that ill buy you a beer if you come through to NY. Your advice has been too good.
Hair Thread
in superpersonal
I'm growin my hair out, been for the past year or so, shortest point is near my jawline. Seems lately its stopped growing... I know youre supposed to cut long hair every so often, but i'm deadly scared of going anywhere to fuck it up.
Onto my question, whats a good place in NYC for a guy with long hair to get it shaped/trimmed?