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Posts posted by broneck

  1. in the future when you'll find these guys in image archives tagged 'goofballs'.

    what happened to greasers and teddy boys? they were cool.

    according to the sales associate at bergdorf goodman, i look like a teddy boy. did not compute.

  2. hai sufu i needz ur halp.

    i am in love with this model... i'm broke, got no job and i'm a drop out. she is leagues above me and she is taller than me. i've met her once or trice.

    how do i imprezz <_> wat shud i do

    i think i may have a chance

    find a new girl to be in love with

    i recommend a chubby and slightly homely looking one

  3. can someone just get me a library of pics of that one girl with the slightly crooked smile and the chucks and trench coat who is clearly gorgeous but in kindof a girl next door way and looks like the kind of girl where you could spend the day doing something silly like walking in the snow and having snowball fights and then go home and have the best sex of your life and just lay there for hours staring into each others eyes but she doesn't make you self conscious because you can see in her face how wonderful a person she is deep down

    that girl

  4. its rly awkward smoking with my friend n her guy. they're both rly cool but we were all watching dj videos n i was asking questions to better understand the mechanics of it and i felt like she was getting mad that she couldn't contribute to the conversation?

    i dunno...but shit better not fuck up cause she's letting me stay with her when i go to chicago in june. and plus i think she's pretty awesome.

    ya this like the 50th "i have a problem due to smoking weed" post you've done in the past month, probably time to consider it a problem my dear

  5. i dont wanna count my chickens before they hatch, but i'm signing docs and entering into discussions to get a job in the industry...i have never been this excited before

    except maybe when i was like 7 and waiting for santa

  6. also i'm coming to the realization that i'm really tired of clothing and fashion and want to build myself a sort of personal uniform with 5 or 6 grail items and have that be the entirety of my wardrobe.

    yo i'm doin this

    all basics except for a few statements (boots, coats, knits, etc)

  7. Wool.

    impotence or aids?

    AIDS. There's like single AIDS sites to meet chicks. Ever read the Sun Also Rises? Fuck that shit.

    would you rather be sent to live on the moon alone forever, assuming they have the proper facilities

    or spend 50 years in a max security jail

    Jail. At least there's human contact, even if it's shitty/possibly rapey. And let's be real, after 50 years I'd probably throw it in a dude if he was girly enough.

    would you rather drown in vomit or vodka?

    same thing, ultimately.

    would you rather

    fuck one of the olsen twins and tell everyone


    fuck both of them and tell no one?

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