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Posts posted by broneck

  1. yo this kony debate is retarded, but i'm gonna weigh in with one point i'm yet to see raised

    despite how much we want to vilify this guy, he isn't hitler

    he isn't a threat to the world at large, he's just a shitty asshole who's fucking shit up in uganda

    but uganda is a fucked up place, and killing one dude will leave space for another dude, just as shitty, to pop up and start doing the exact same thing

    the list of dictators that have been able to run roughshod over human rights in africa is longer than i'd care to think about, so what the fuck do we think arresting this one prick is gonna do

    there's a system in place that allows for this kind of violence to take place, and the fact that invisible children is addressing one man is fucking absurd to me

    that's like arresting a drug dealer and saying you're fighting the war on drugs


  2. went down to my basement looking for something and came across all these old shoes I had...

    hypebeast high school horrors



    so much money, so much embarrassment.

    yo sell these to me if they 42.5 or 43

  3. most people that know me know that i am a very calm and measured person. lost my shit on someone today.

    it wasn't pretty

    i demand video footage

    this shit must be like what grizzly man felt like while he was getting mauled by that fucker that loved him

  4. lol guys (and girls), just hit the neg button and keep on scrolling cause I don't wanna get blamed for shitting up the thread. the gif's are funny though :)

    and e0d, i really do appreciate your sincere comment, but i don't see the problem in posting my daily warez. like I said, just keep on scrolling and you can pretend it wasn't there, right?

    this is the waywt thread, and this is what I wore today. did I miss something?

    you are a fucking stupid idiot and will fail at life because you don't listen to things people say

  5. Hey guys,

    doing a little marketing research. Just wondering if any super-globetrotters out there struggle with phone communication when they're travelling internationally. If so, how do you circumvent this problem. Feel free to ask me some questions if the options aren't clear enough.


    - Matt

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