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Posts posted by salaami

  1. Funny thing is that I haven't washed them since I've had them, only because they aren't really mine so I've had a weird wash phobia. They've had pretty regular wear but nothing like my previous jeans that were worn hella hard on grimy labor jobs for extended periods. The path has been treated with coconut oil. When I can afford to skip a day (I can't fit any of my own jeans until I drop 20 more pounds) I'll wash them with Kirk's Castille and machine dry them. Knowing me once I wash them I'll go back to my Hayashi san ways and give them a regular dip in the tub. My handwash method is to wet the jeans then lay them in the tub and rub soap (always castille, Kirks or Dr. B's) all over them and simply scrub them all over front and back with my palms, then dunk them repeatedly in a bucket of water as warm as I can stand, then repeat that about 3 times.

  2. Wa alaikum, I've been on hiatus for a hot minute, is there a way to post pics straight from an iPhone to the threads? I've had (stolen) Atzec's 811BIGs for a while now and wouldn't mind letting him see how they are doing

  3. Whoa Katz ! You've done a service to this brand, they should name a cut after you. Superb work young sir. This , ROY and the LVC thread prove that cone still makes great denim that fades a well as the top MIJ DENIM. Good stuff is good stuff.

  4. Well it's been around 6 months of pretty much daily wear raw but since these only see VERY light duty (none of the usual salaami stone masonry/demolition type work) due to me just watching a store all day they haven't faded much at all. Surely nothing worth pictures . Just a bit of knee fade from praying 5x daily. I gave them their first soak this weekend in hot water with pine-sol to get all the critters out. I decided to go against habit and never wash, just hot soak in pine-sol with absolutely no agitation every few months. I literally layed them in the water. And a few hours later I emptied the water out of the tub and poured water over them several times to rinse. No rub, no scrub. No indigo was in the water. I turned them inside out and baked them in the hot Virginia sun till dry. The pine-sol got out the sizing, but they were somewhat stiff due to the sunbaking. With the light duty work they get and the synthetic thread they should easily last years. Any real work is done in Atzecs Eternals. I'll throw pics up whenever they actually fade significantly. I've shown what man-work can do to the worlds finest denim, so I'm not in a rush with these....why Pinesol? It gets out dirt wonderfully, and I'm addicted to its piney smell

  5. I bought a pair of the 14.75 oz w36 at need supply today. I went against all of my usual denim laws with these, just to shake it up( made in us , non Okayama denim, poly thread, sanforized, low rise) and these are ok jeans. Rise is taking a bit I getting used to, especially since my weight gain( I went from a 30w to a 36w!!!) since I've already slutted myself I'm gonna change my wash habits with these as well, cold soak only until at least a year. No hard work in these , just walking around at work and chilling so don't expect anything nearly as drastic as my past exploits...

  6. These were worn as class 3 jeans from the beginning to end, I just took the opposite method from swissfreak...thanx a million atzec for the repost. I used a female model for those pics...the camera has a 2007 date cause its my sisters and she was too lazy to correct the date. Maybe I can get one vote and kedp alive my dream for a new pairs of jeans I can actually fit! I went from a size 30w to a 36~38w after 40 lbs of cellulite...bite a brick mr almostnice ¡!!!¡

  7. Swissfreak please machine wash those just once and post pics...please! Love em all but as the king of wash I must say two years raw intrigues me. If anyone feels like reposting my last pic update months ago feel free, I really enjoyed these waist overallsسلامي

  8. I just saw everyone's pics and it's oh so clear to me now that I've just lost this contest...I haven't worn them since my last pic update so consider those as my last and final pics...they are here on this thread somewhere . Everyone's jawns look so much better than mine! I'm still wearing atzecs 811s on dirty days. Lenny the # is now 804-901-2142 I'm officially dropping off my denime, full counts, and warehouse at lendos house and he can do with them what he pleases. All of them are way too small for me at this point... سلامي

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