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Posts posted by salaami

  1. im feeling you on this one. im not mad @levis for suing, because its thier right. ive been saying fuck levis ever since i went to their cheesy flagship store in manhattan, and i asked the dude for selvage 501's, and they were shitty compared to what i had on(sam510xx19oz2.).sorry bastards. they choose to make inferior product, when they could easily affford to. they dont respect the quality that created the nostalgia that they claim to endear, so to make a long story short...FUCK EM!!!(ps. if they amended their ways, i would spend with them. its all a quality/nostalgia issue for me. after all the fonz wore levis, and he's the coolest white guy ever. no offense.)

  2. just wear them, and wash them when they need it. if you are looking for a certain result, youre fucking up already. i dont buy 300usd. jeans to get a certain fade, i like quality items, and nostalgia. i love them when theyre new, and when theyve become my linus blanket...

  3. dr.bronner's,dr.bronner's,dr.bronners's!!! oh yeah, also DR.BRONNER'S. the kid wouldn't dare lead you astray...any scent will do, get the unscented "baby" version if you want to be OCD. by the way, my X used to use the almond...now i miss the crack of her ass like a good jab in the heavyweight division...

  4. wow those are fucking ugly

    i concur wholeheartedly. i love lupe, but i hate those hideous jeans just as much. if i had guap like that, i cant even imagine what id have on right now.

  5. leather goods connection has some really good product, and he makes custom belts, wallets, or anything else. just go to leathergoodsconnection.com. his prices are at least half that of an esteemed garment maker( about half), plus your joints will be unique. anything non-leather will be eco-friendly, but if its that imitation leather shit like at hot topic, they wont last for shit. a belt should age with the denim...

  6. I have a real problem with Limited Editions.

    I want them all.


    (plus upside down A... plus heavier denim...)

    I bought 5000VX's just a few months ago... or I'd be on these quick.

    i seen to have the same problem. now im deciding between these and the ones with the LHT, or the black... DAMMIT!!!

  7. yo,i cant even front, this thread has got me OPEN! only one from the RWK could bring this level of illness. im going to have to use my little sisters digicam and join in with some pics. ive got these two knots in a row going downward, and when you pull on one, the other shrinks. almost like theyre fighting, like musashi and kojiro in front of mount fuji.

  8. Nice work all.

    I had planned to provide an update but my jeans are currently cooling their heels in St Pancras (train station) lost property. At least I hope they are. Will post once retrieved.

    If they aren't there, then number one contest Sams will have been retired from the competition.

    Been retrieved. Ain't gonna win but there's a lot of wear in these so its good to have 'em back.

    wise man say: if you wear samurai on train, you not lose samurai...unless you get lost.

  9. I think the slub gives denim a more rugged macho feel.

    Unslubby denim is more refined. I think this is more suited for slimmer denim.

    i agree with the rugged,machismo aspect of slubbier denim. thats why i fell in love with it in the first-place. but im actually in the market for a semi-slim slubby pair, like the oni blue, or the sammy 710. without slubs, the denim is not as interesting. maybe slubs are an aquired taste, but for me, they add character.and i love rouge knots, and any other "phenomena" that occur when weaving my denim. yeah, i said it.

  10. you know whats sad? that you people are having this reaction to well finished seams. so its not selvage... its not trying to be. its trying to be cleaner than overlock stitching. did it work? yes, it did. personally, i feel this is a sign of attention to detail, not trying to fool the consumer.

    yeah, but with all of this BS "red-line" marketing bullshit going on, we have to be hard on anyone even imitating in the slightest...plus, im OCD about nostalgia.sorry, since youre one of the few SFers i actually respect/take knowlege from. i just get tired of the bullshit...-salaami-:o

  11. Really not such a smart question ..there are about 30 threads regarding Samurai - so there's ur answer...

    see, this is why beatle is that chick, she is the only contest person who consistently posts new pics, she doesnt say dumb shit, and she rocks her sams harder than most of these poser/pseudo heads. this is why shes hot. take note edmond!

  12. way too gimmicky and i always thought they were kind of a cornball brand. glad to see the masses of superfutures are over this brand. more sda, warehouse and 45rpm talk!!

    since when has quality become a gimmick? i see samurai posts on here everyday. this edmond guy kills me. i wish he would go away like milli-vanilli. i never thought the masses of superfuturians wore samurai anyway. i like warehouse, but i like my jeans to look like james dean/shirasu jiro than some jeans my ancestors wore to pick cotton.

    sorry to be Mr. Synical, but i dont usually post unless i get pissed, or really excited about something new, like those new oni veg blue with the selvage arc. whats cornier, two warriors, or motorcycle pigs? no offense to SDA, but come on.

  13. I don't think a cuff will kill ya. Maybe a co-mantch though


    has anybody noticed how john wayne looks cool as shit, despite high waters, not much contrast fade, and an extremely high waist, no combs,etc. take note pupils! the man makes the jeans, not vice-versa . and they are not super-tight. he goes against all SF axioms, but he's got us all whipped! this lesson is taken from "be yourself 101". doesnt look like he gave a shit about a cuff crease, or what we think about his cuff crease. this is why he's hot.

  14. if embonds even being serious then hes the only one that shares that opinion i think, i dont go commando to let other guys see cock fades...and i dont discuss the size of my cock with other guys either...

    im not implying that commando status makes you gay, but i still dont see how removing a thin piece of cotton fabric would make a phalic imprint anyway, unless your jeans are rubber-tight. before i ever read any of edmonds posts, i kept reading about how annoying he was/is, and i thought, "why is everyone ragging this poor guy?" but now i know why. he's like the crotch fungus that will inevitably develop in his jeans...

  15. Welcome to the future.

    I assure you that your love for nudie will only be temporary. :)

    yup. for 225, you could get some ONI denim or JOHN BULL from Blue In Green in NY. both of these are better than anything Nudies offers, @ the same price point. trust, i have 2 pairs of nudies, the RRDG&SSDS, and neither compares to the shit in NY. plus its online. ;) if you wear them condom-tight, youll get crotch rips, regardless of that extra bar tack, but then again they will try to convince you that it(the rip) adds character and coolness to your sack. dont believe them. if you are spending 100 bucks a leg, make sure they dont split apart...

  16. the gap isnt ever going to make anything of comparable quality to an artisanal brand, japanese or otherwise. but i really dont appreciate someone who sells an artisanal brand unauthorized(Samurai), and then smashes other's brands that @least have the respect to sell their own product, however shitty.(if youve ever seen the samurai new years eve card, it has a list of authorized retailers, and Self-Edge is NOT one of them.BIG is the only authorized non-asian retailer) plus after buying samurai's @$300, im mad i paid 225 for nudies, when i could have gone to BIG, and got the oni blues, which i still have to have. respect the game, then the name...and we wonder why a lot of the better brands dont care to sell their jeans to us, or through us(americans)? if someone sold those ironheartXself edge collabos without permission, kiya would shit in his shoas...

  17. just wash them. 14 mos without wash should produce nice results anyway. a necessary wash is just that. plus, your crotch was probably weakned by all the accumulated sweat, etc. one wash will overall improve the quality of wear for you, and the people who love you. your jeans will thank you, and in turn, youll thank yourself...

  18. ^^^^ thats whatim trying to ahieve! hahahahah big enough cock for a cock fade..

    this thread is becoming way too gay for my comfort level. i cant imagine any self-respecting man desiring letting another man looking at the fade of his dick through his lower garment... both parties need my foot to do some fading on their back pockets.:mad: plus, i couldnt discuss my dick size aroud other men, let alone to other men.

  19. thailand is really coming up too. my man suthee is doing big things in bangkok. good quality stuff.

    china, italy, thailand and america are a long ways off from making the super slubby jeans that you see in the cream of the crop japanese brands. also, japan is the only country i've seen that is making selvage denim well over 14oz. the fact is, there isn't a big enough market for china to start making the kind of denim us denimheads lust over. that's why japan will always be the home of the most exclusive denim.

    yup, until someone else can make super heavy(more than 14 oz.), slubby, well dyed denim with all the fixings, i will still lust over japanese repros. Sorry.:o

  20. these are OK, but not for me. not slubby, exposed rear rivets, none of the details i like, but they arent rubbish..

    i chuckled as well. i'm always in between the two extremes, not cock-tight, but not like your favorite rappers favorite rapper. lets say between Hova and Axl Rose. i wonder if its a cultural thing, since quite a few caucasians wear their denim slimmer than blacks.(NOT to start a PC scene, just personal observation), coupled with the fact that most Japanese artisanal brands dont come in large waist measurements. im black, but according to the consensus of my own racial group, my jeans are too slim(approx the fit in the pictures), but i could never rock mine like i see some of my superfuturian brethren, who i hold in more esteem than the average rock-u-wear/dead-funky wearing tribe. just asking , so dont PM me with a load of racial backlash BS. Just curious to see whether peoples constant comments about fit are culturally biased, or because tighter jeans cause a more rapid fade, pronounced combs, etc.

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