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Posts posted by salaami

  1. imho, ls&co are the orignators(or should i say jake davis&co.), so they have a right to defend their trademarks. i always felt(correct me if im wrong) that the repro brands used these marks as a nod to the originals, not to make someone think that they are actual levis. any pundit knows that levis best product does not compare in quality to the brands we wear and love. i dont like wearing the tabs&arcs because levis quality in general is so low that i dont want anybody to mistake my joints as levis. i dont want to give them props even indirectly. when they sold their shuttle looms it was the start of the end of their heritage. like ed o.g. said: ''if you think another man can do it better than you can/let em'/ dont sweat em' duke/because he did the job/that you couldn't do."

  2. well... the factory would be right in the center of Manhattan... so i think labor would be higher.

    the lot 9 say osaka, 10 say us

    and back off of my girl...:D

    my bad home skillet, i didnt know you had dibs on it:D. when i saw the pics of you 2 with the cerveza mas finas, i should've done the math...now that i know mine are made with american cotton, i wonder where from...

  3. ringring, i didn't take the "dirty jeans"comment as a dis...MJ made an anti-islamic state ment about bombing mecca, so i dont buy jordan or nike(the parent company).i never made a statement about BIG not carrying pre-washes(noriko gave me a pair o stiches to put on while yuji hemmed my sams, believe it or not. i couldn't wait to take them off). i only wash when necessary, i dont force anything either way. its funny how when HJJ accused(falsely)beatle of embellishment, everyone jumped down his throat, and some of the same cats now are defending the "right to sand and abrade". the difference between my offering an opinion and someone else is that im not afraid to dissagree with someone due to their repute, and i dont tuck my tail as soon as the flack comes. i say"theyre just jeans, but from the perspective of dont baby them just cause theyre 300 beans.wear em hard,and wash when you need to, not bleach them,and do all kinds of crazy shit. im just more stern,and sith-like in my responses. and yes, how you get your fade is most important. cheep, im glad you decided to comment, and your contest sams are sick( especially the new back pocket repair, now thats gangsta!) but if you got that fade by sliding behind a car on your ass for a block, you wouldnt be shit to me. your denim is dope because your LIFE shaped them, not some earnest-sewn like wash treatment. keep doing it, my dude. note my friend how on the new SDA thread every one loves to rip edmond, but after i categorically exposed why most people rip him as soon as he opens his mouth, regardless of the information, the about-faced semi apologies started rolling in. my sister and i were cracking up, cause when i posted that last night, i told her people would jump on the apology bandwagon once i pulled a few cats cards...but thats what i do.

  4. production of anything that has the patented tab and arcuate stitching.

    this guy's going to be a perma-noob or something.

    do people rip edmond so much because:

    1: he has an extensive collection( full of shit everyone else wants, but cant aquire)

    2: he asks questions many probably are scared to ask,or

    3:it's the "cool" thing to do, and an easy way to feign authentic knowledge? :confused:

    well folks, buy up while you can. this is looking like the beginning of the end for the repro. you have been warned.

  5. damn, just when i was going to tell westside to holla, someone actually was being entertained by our angst. any denim head is essentially an ally of mine, since our opinions are ultimately based on our denim fetish. plus, va cats gotta stick together. i can sit in a room across from some one who's also online, we can be ripping each other to shreads on the same thread, but since hes sufu ill still pass the dutch, even pour him a shot of yak, and get right back to arguing. thats just me.

  6. All washes are not retarded, only people who make general statements using "all" in them are. I could show you pics of Raw worn denim and washed denim (done well) and I doubt you could tell the difference unless you already knew the model to begin with. You could, arguably, find more people who think wearing Raw jeans until dirty and stinky to achieve a 'vintage look' (that is not a true vintage look to begin with) is more retarded then buying washed denim. Doesn't make them right to be in the majority nor does it make you right to be in the minority.

    read my whole post before responding...i have never said anything cosigning wearing jeans until filthy, or stinky. plus, how can you offer an opinion about what you "think" i can discern the difference between? nor did i make any statement about the majority or minority being correct by default in any matter. i think stinky denim and pre-washed are both innappropriate. i just explained how i wash my jeans, then westside asks me if i ever wash them. fyi, vcu(and monroe park) are closer to the west end. churchill is in the east.

  7. actually, someone mentioned that i was trying, to out-vocab them, so i responded. the same person also(incorrectly) made an uninformed comment about my assumed lack of "friends" or inadequate socialization. by the way, a lot of "open-minded" people are quite opinionated, depending on the topic of discussion. church hill is the locale. so westside, you can catch me(if you can) in the eastside. and yes in my opinion, all washes are lame. its funny how some of us start stupid threads, post incorrect"facts" and ask stupid noob questions with absolute impunity, yet i debate a debateable topic, and fags wanna gang rape me. spare me, and circle jerk amongst yourselves. just make sure skeet on your true religions will make a nice"natural" fade...

  8. damn, you did all that sleuthing just for me. are you married( you dont seem to be the type to fancy boys too much, but salaami can be very persuasive periodically) ill even throw in a shuttle loom as a dowry! but seriously, not to be a jerk-off, but this makes me even more confused, cause it says that they now say"osaka". so why do mine say"us? from what im reading, they shouldnt say "us" unless they are a bit older than i can assume by the lot#10...i bought them february this year.

  9. beatle, i love you for the info, but i think we want to know what the AI actually stands for, since most natural indigo jeans have the AI @ the end of the model name, regardless of the brand. forgive my ignorance...

  10. shut the fuck up salaami, this isn't a fucking 'who has a higher vocabulary, and thus higher education, ergo smarter and inferably an "i haveno friends" ' competition.

    if you want to get your point across, at least be fucking coherent.

    i put your shit into google translater from italian to english and all i got was:

    'ovar 100 yrs ago, i had buttsechx with a 13 yr old boy"

    actually, i didn't know what ergo meant until i just looked it up...thanks for expanding my vocabulary. my arabic vocab and grammar are better than my english. ergo you sound dumb, since one can be intelligent and be totally uneducated, or one can manage to get a degree, but still be a putz. i live with musicians and tattoo artists, and im constantly surrounded by artists, models, dancers, artsy/eclectic types, and just cool mf's in general. none of them are denimheads, and they all probably think im neurotic, which i probably am, by self-admission. who else rides 600 miles in a blizzard to BIG? game recognizes game, and lame...you sound like a pedo-priest.

  11. you are an ocean of knowledge, to be sure, dr.double-ring. personally, ive never went without washing until my jeans stink. i use the same method gordon describes in the BIG website, the only exception is that i use dr.bronners instead of some commercial detergent, only because i refuse to use sodium laureth sulfate on my skin or denim. i dont go more than 3 weeks between washes, and every other wash i just use plain hot water. im far from a denim hydro-phobe. i hate earnest sewn, but i do believe in wabi-sabi. still, i'll never agree that their "just-jeans", and if any of us truly agreed,we wouldnt spend so much hard earned cash per pair. sufu would be the wal-mart jeans fan club...i was so harsh in my criticism of your statement, because you are the master splinter of sufu, and if you say its ok, that blows the door open to people doing all manner of bullshit. prefab washes dont interest me at all, and i still think its retarded and simply a byproduct of our microwave,instant gratified society. real denim is one of the few truly authentic things we have left. everybody wants the "vintage-look" but no one wants to wait and watch as things progress. if i pour bleach on dyed cloth it will turn white.this is common knowledge if i abrade cotton with something harder than it, whatever is on the top will come off. any noob knows that from scraping their knee on the pavement. if i drag my jeans on the ground behind a car, they will get fucked up. no curiosity involved here. thanks for the response, good doctor. youre a class act.

    PS: to all the cats who tried to kill my rep due to my statements, stop frontin' most of you have on stinky denim as i type. especially you commando in the summer types-swalla back

  12. from what i heard, AI either represents the dyer himself, or the method. its referenced here somewhere. as for the thread, i was told that certain labels use cotton thread(as opposed to nylon-core of poly-core)to stay consistent with how jeans were originally sewn, and to keep congruent to how vintage jeans actually break down. no offense, but some of us put a lot of possibly undue stress on our seems due to the snugness of the fit( we all know what im talking about). if you bend over and your ass rips out, you cant blame the manufacturer.

  13. Funny...but isn't Texas Cotton from the US as well ? Does'nt make sense...I'll have to ask the girl who should know...


    yeah, thats the part that perplexes me. maybe its vintage cotton picked back when texas was mexico(hecho en mexico);)

  14. this is very intriguing. when i get older, i want to grow some cotton, spinn it myself by hand, grow my own indigo plants for sukumo dye, and make my own jeans from dead scratch(hank-dipped like 30 times)woven by myself on my own 4-harness loom, on a union special... itll take me forever, but i wont sell them, ill give them away to selected heads who will appreciate them . itll keep me occupied in my golden years, and the grandkids out of my hair, cause ill have their little asses spinning, and dipping yarn...

  15. its because the cotton is from the us.

    rumor has it that samurai, and maybe some other brands, will have limited runs of made in the USA jeans in the future...

    yo cheep, i am still a bit confused, because(correct me if im wrong) the contest sams are made from us(texas) cotton, but im sure yours,polys, beatles, and the others' all say made in osaka, japan. i admit, i was kinda upset when i noticed the difference, but after reading your post, im kinda thinking maybe mine are a bit more rare than i thought... i do remember telling yuji that i took a bus 600 miles in a blizzard to come see him, and that i was from VA( where gordon hails from)so he called gordon and then he(yuji) told me that the ones he was giving me were not on the website. i had him hem them with a thick hem band, since i wanted them to be like shirasu jiro's(a tribute pair) but im still perplexed... ill post a pic of @least the patch as soon as my lil sister's camera batteries charge up.

  16. Wow... you think any of the 'so-called techniques' employed by denim enthusiasts here are "normal" and in that same vein natural?? Wearing unwashed raw fabric for months on end or starching or soaking, wearing them wet just to add something to the look is in no way natural. Natural is what people have been doing for the last 100+ years, i.e. wearing them, washing when dirty and not really thinking about how to achieve a special effect. It wasn't until people starting noticing that old jeans (which took 5-10 years) had a certain look to them. That look was then copied by doing certain factory washes (which nobody really cares for on these boards) or by people buying raw and learning how to achieve the same look in 6 months.. you may draw a line between wearing raw wet jeans in a bathtub vs taking sandpaper to them but to others they both seem similar.

    well, my method to achieve"results" is as follows: wear the damn things, and then wash every so often. now, i wait a considerable time before my first wash, because raw denim takes a while to show dirt, so i cant tell how dirty they are until ive @least crocked off some of the indigo. i use dr.bronners, because thats the only soap i use on my natural skin. depending on where i am, i might hang dry, or use a high-heat dryer, if available. some things to consider when reading my post: i am a sith-like bastard, and very absolutist. i have taken many gems and nuggets of knowledge from ring-ring,serge, and others of repute. i see the method of how he teaches us, kind of like the end justifies the means,and i respect his knowledge-base, and acumen. i can respect your facts, but not your opinions. if you are rubbing your legs with a soapy rag to "learn" the crocking process, do it with some wal-mart joints, not skulls. people have been soaking stf levis since 1873, and cowboys starched their denim to protect it from dirt. if i starch, i starch the whole jean, not specific areas im trying to get an "effect" from. sometimes i miss the rigidity they once had. plus, jeans are milled with "sized" threads(starched,waxed, polyvinyl,etc), so starch is an original "ingredient "in your raw denim. thats why i refuse to buy anything one-washed. enough fillibustering, i need to roll a dutch...:rolleyes:

  17. Wow... you think any of the 'so-called techniques' employed by denim enthusiasts here are "normal" and in that same vein natural?? Wearing unwashed raw fabric for months on end or starching or soaking, wearing them wet just to add something to the look is in no way natural. Natural is what people have been doing for the last 100+ years, i.e. wearing them, washing when dirty and not really thinking about how to achieve a special effect. It wasn't until people starting noticing that old jeans (which took 5-10 years) had a certain look to them. That look was then copied by doing certain factory washes (which nobody really cares for on these boards) or by people buying raw and learning how to achieve the same look in 6 months.. you may draw a line between wearing raw wet jeans in a bathtub vs taking sandpaper to them but to others they both seem similar.

    well, my method to achieve"results" is as follows: wear the damn things, and then wash every so often. now, i wait a considerable time before my first wash, because raw denim takes a while to show dirt, so i cant tell how dirty they are until ive @least crocked off some of the indigo. i use dr.bronners, because thats the only soap i use on my natural skin. depending on where i am, i might hang dry, or use a high-heat dryer, if available. some things to consider when reading my post: i am a sith-like bastard, and very absolutist. i have taken many gems and nuggets of knowledge from ring-ring,serge, and others of repute. i see the method of how he teaches us, kind of like the end justifies the means,and i respect his knowledge-base, and acumen. i can respect your facts, but not your opinions. if you are rubbing your legs with a soapy rag to "learn" the crocking process, do it with some wal-mart joints, not skulls. people have been soaking stf levis since 1873, and cowboys starched their denim to protect it from dirt. if i starch, i starch the whole jean, not specific areas im trying to get an "effect" from. sometimes i miss the rigidity they once had. plus, jeans are milled with "sized" threads(starched,waxed, polyvinyl,etc), so starch is an original "ingredient "in your raw denim. thats why i refuse to buy anything one-washed. enough fillibustering, i need to roll a dutch...:rolleyes:

  18. i love this dude.

    more than my initial disapointment in a noob like Noddy is the endorsement by the(Perhaps formerly) esteemed dr. doublering. ive learned so much from him(i pm'd him today telling him so) and i feel a darkness in my chest when i hear some one of such assumed acumen and discernment cosigning on this bullshit. the smart man learns from his mistakes, but the wise man learns from both his mistakes and others. no disrespect(the student in most cases should not disrespect the "scholar"), but im disapointed at best. i dont know who to take from anymore. if i live near a beach, and i take a swim in my jeans once every so often, thats natural. if i wear them for a lot of consecutive days, thats natural for me( most of us do that). but to obviously endorse artificial abrasion methods(some actually worse than what noddy proposed)shows that the scholar and the purist are not always one in the same...:confused: :(:mad:

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