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Posts posted by Raskol

  1. whats the deal with the bear foot folk? how come they are so much harder to find than the lhamos? i know theyre both very similar, but i kinda prefer the bear foots. the laces are a little nicer and the sole looks slimmer and less "running shoe." but these bitches are impossible to find. were they made in smaller numbers or something?

  2. correct me if im wrong, but most inseams are a little longer than tagged. for instance, a tagged 32 inseam really measures out to be more like 33-34. if youre lucky enough to find a tagged 34 inseam, i imagine it would come close to an actual inseam of 36.

  3. For the sake of cuteness...random pics of people's kids wearing Sam's. I encourage all of you to spawn and produce your own samulai soldiers.




    i love how the knees are always the first to go.

  4. youre right, the irony has occurred to me many times. practicality figures largely here, if i were to wear "real" moccasins i'd wear out the sole in a matter of days on all this concrete/asphalt/etc...

    moccasin and outfit makers have also cut back significantly on the leather quality since no one uses them outside of the powwow circuit; theres no incentive to make them out of elk, bear or other native fauna. but beadwork craftsmanship can certainly compensate for that. oneida raised beadwork is especially breathtaking, even though it might be stitched into crude pig leather

    there do exist "purists" out there who make their own outfits using the "right" materials and techniques, but theyre often teased for squandering time, money, being inefficient and stuck in the past. i mean, who wants to chew on porcupine quills anymore when you have glass beads from the czech?

    really? i always thought real moccasins were made to last and shit. isnt the outdoors terrain supposed to be rougher than the paved roads and tiled floors of the city?

  5. sixteen, i should have gotten it last year....

    jane, check your rep list again. half of those motherfuckers feel like pedos now. the other half are even more turned on than they were before.

  6. Butch kills Vincent Vega

    Andy Dufrane escapes from Shawshank

    Carlito gets shot by Benny Blanco

    Michael becomes the Godfather

    Michael has Vito killed on a boat in Tahoe

    Michael dies of a heart attack in Sicily

    Fredo. Michael has Fredo killed. Not Vito.

  7. i understand that as well and i saw mrips question but then you have ppl on hypebeast saying that its not out yet so hwo the fuck am i supposed to know that mrip isnt the registered weed carrier or certified ball shaver for someone at supreme and got it early or something how am i supposed to know how supreme functions. and if it is out i have a friend in nyc who could pick it up but im not gonna send him from brooklyn to the LES just to CHECK if its in stock and THEN cop it for me asking on this forum is much easier.

    you got your fucking answer. now shut the fuck up already. cunt.

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