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Posts posted by Raskol

  1. Very nice Sophnets there. Seems like a lot of people's jumping on that particular pair, another guy just copped one of those.

    Couldn't find a pic over at yahoo jp, but how do the white Sophnets look?

    there were no white ones. only black, silver and gold.

  2. milspex does not look like he's 30. if people didnt know his real age, nobody would have brought up the "he's too old to be wearing that shit" argument, which is kind of a stupid argument regardless because in japan people much older than 30 will still be dressing casual. fujiwara, anybody?

  3. i usually wear a 10.5 in nike, vans, adidas and a 10 in chucks. a size 10 in kiefers fits me fine. in fact, im pretty much a 10 across the board for all visvim shoes. maybe i could have gone a half size down on elk leather fbts, but since you are probably a size 8 in visvim, you dont have that luxury.

  4. I hate my roomate. I live with my best friend and his wretched girlfriend. She's a control freak. She hoards her money even though her rich parents pay for everything including rent and says that we have to cover her because she's "always broke" from "buying everything the apartment needs." That bitch bought a pizza once. The worst part is, she's an art student, a painting major at that. This means that she wanted to rebel against mommy and daddy without cutting off the money, and because she's an "artist" she never has to get a real job and can just sponge off of her parents for the rest of her life. Her politics are prefab and she blames everything on white people but can't back it up. She name checks silly shit too often, and claims that painting is more esoteric than composition (which is what I do) because "everybody gets music." She'll like anything as long as it is french. She listens to overrated vocal jazz and female songwriters that are critically acceptable. She also figure skates. She treats my friend like garbage. Sorry about the rant. :mad:

    did you hit it?

  5. i felt that this one was worth posting. just when i had lost all hope in i-d they released an absolutely amazing issue. coincidentally, the last one that didnt suck also had gemma ward on the cover.

    gemma ward and lily donaldson = instant robokopp. feb is usually more of a menswear issue, right?

  6. i got to tell jj i know someone in MW&C after she drank a can of guava juice but didnt eat her sour cream, which i realized after i played with her superman cell phone charm, which preceded her asking me if i liked superman, which was followed by me saying yes, all of which happened before i told her i know someone in MW&C.

    all of which took place after i saw cotton duck in his underwears.


    keagan at 30

  7. supertip for getting into first class on a flight:

    when the flight attendants begin boarding by rows/zone, whatever, just ignore them. wait until you are the last person left and even then dont board until the very last call. as you board, quickly scan the first class area, and if there's an open seat go ahead and sit your ass down on it. if a flight attendant comes by, ask them if they have any oatmeal cookies.

    "Why, yes we do, sir."

    "Excellent. I'll have one."

  8. i use azureus. downloads everything with no problems but i have heard that utorrent is faster. is this true? if so, i might have to give it a try.

    also, are those peerguardian and protowall programs important? dont wanna get snitched on, but then again i heard firewalls are kinda tricky/difficult and may fuck up other internet settings on your computer. would i need to run both of them?

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