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Posts posted by Raskol

  1. anybody wanna help fill out the blanks?

    left to right:

    Cliver deck 1

    predator tee


    cliver tee 1

    racing tank

    s/s box plaid

    cliver tee 2



    geometric tank


    protect and serve tee

    oxford side logo

    cliver deck 2

  2. he was homophobic and was always discussing politics.

    before this thread even gets underway...i just want to say that the "reasons" why people were banned might not really mean anything. this site isn't necessarily fair, balanced, or anything.

    he wasnt homophobic. he had nothing against gay people. just that he liked to use the word "gay" the way eminem tends to use the word "gay" which apparently was a problem for sufu. but if elton john can forgive a nigga, then why cant the mods? especially considering how easily "nigga" gets thrown around nowadays.

  3. cool stuff. how much do evisu 2000 no. 1 typically stretch in the waist? whats the recommended sizing advice? go up or true to size?

    not like im planning on buying a pair anytime soon, but it would be nice to know.

  4. We need a game plan.


    The weak link's the mother.

    I think.

    Someone lookin' respectable approaches the house with a 'partner'.

    Ask for the mother, get her alone outside their lovely garage... I mean house... Make sure the kid's not part of the conversation * how to do this? What story can be given?

    Keep the rest of the posse standing in the road next to the cars so the mother can see 'em ALL.

    Explain it slow like.

    Explain that the authorities have been contacted.

    Ask to see the boys shoe collection.

    Take a video camera and digicam and record it all.



    Whaddya think?

    Input please!

    i would pay money to see this video

  5. IE was asking for a pass. used mozilla. worked perfectly.

    edit: not that anyone cares, but i was able to get what i wanted. still, i was surprised at how fast everything went.

  6. hi guys. i want to buy a pair of pre-washed lvc 1947 501s made in japan. i would like the waist to measure around 32 after stretching. ive looked at the measurements online for this particular model: a tagged 32 waist actually measures 30, while a tagged 34 waist actually measures 31.5. how much should i expect pre-washed 1947 lvcs to stretch?

    i know most people don't have experience with pre-washed lvcs, but the provided measurements look consistent with those of raw lvcs after a hot soak/wash, ie.- the consensus for raw lvcs is that they shirnk 2 inches in the waist when hot washed, and these seem to fit the bill. so if you own a pair of raw lvcs, i would still like to hear your thoughts on how much they stretch from their post-wash state. of course, if someone with experience on pre-washed lvcs could comment, that would be ideal.

    im currently leaning towards getting a tagged 32 because im afraid that if i get the tagged 34 waist, it will stretch to about 33-34. that has happened to me before on other jeans, and they just tend to look sloppy. thoughts?

    thanks in advance.

  7. iono man this one just irritates me. I've had a lot of criticism about the way BDUs should fit and even I think that you cinched them up way too high, especially for the size of your calves/height proportion, and didn't sag them right, giving a silhouette reminiscent of some baddie out of Aladdin. Also, the tee layering is straight out of Milspex doctrine, while the backpack seems to be standard issue equipment for the Soundbomber army. I don't think it would be fair at this point to comment on the socks showing, but I genuinely like the shoes (coincidentally I have the same pair), so iono man. i jusono.
    k so anyone who layers t-shirts is following "Milspex doctrine".

    and i'm not allowed to cinch my BDU's to where its comfortable for me because it creates a bad silohette. sorry my cavs actually have muscle unlike sufu's standard of 4 inch circumfrenche cavs.

    branespload I think I usually agree with you, correct me if I'm wrong. ..

    HOWEVER .. I think it's FUCKING ridiculous to say that was pioneered by mil specifically, although he does wear his tees like that, and it's integral to his style, trivial a detail as it might be.

    not dick riding, but i think milspex pulls off layered tees way better than that. im a fan of layering tees as well but i HATE HATE HATE when the sleeves of the undershirt stick out like that.

  8. What kind of deodorant does everyone use? I've used old spice for years now, I heard Mitchum is really good. So good you can go a day without re-applying.

    if youre going to be applying fragrance everyday, i suggest you use an unscented deodorant. i use ban unscented roll-on. the only criterion for me is that it shouldn't stain my clothes and this one seems to fit the bill.

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