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Posts posted by julianREE


    YO can we all here share some of the first bands that got us into hardcore and how immersing yourself into the scene has affected your life?



    i'll start. i was a metal kid throughout middle school and high school, but i think the turning point was when i went to the gilman for the first time. i was completely taken aback from the sense of community and the camaraderie which i felt was always a bit lacking in the metal scene. after that it was just getting into the whole bay area scene, going to countless shows, meeting lifelong friends, playing in bands, getting through tough times through the music, and just having fun. it's definitely not as big a part of my life now, but i'm a hardcore kid at heart and go to the occasional show. 


    i still look back on the time period and the amazing bands that i was able to see in that time period (allegiance, killing the dream, ceremony, life long tragedy, go it alone) and still count them as some of my best memories. 

  2. Hi, can anyone recommend any areas around NYC for tattoo shops? I heard St Marks has a lot of tattoo shops but i dont know which one to choose


    there's many recommendations for shops in NY that are already mentioned in this thread. do you have a particular style you are looking for? for shops i'll just mention a few, saved tattoo and three kings in brooklyn (williamsburg, greenpoint), ny adorned in the east village, etc. etc. i personally vouch for saved, they have artists with various styles and the atmosphere is chilled out, they're always joking around with each other and having fun.

  3. terrible workout at the gym today. already knew it was going to be bad when i started stretching, my muscles were so tight even after. loaded two plates onto the squat rack and just buckled, settled for just 175 for a few light sets... then i did power cleans with the olympic bar and it slipped heavy when i was cradling onto my neck... burst a callus open on my hand and started bleeding everywhere. i called it a day after that.

  4. hurt my wrist a few weeks ago in a biking accident, so i've had to take it slow... my usual exercises that involve heavy wrist bending like power cleans, front squats, bench are no go's currently. I practiced my snatch form however and was able to get up to 115 x 5. think i could've done a plate, but went slow because of the wrist issues. here's to getting that snatch down!

  5. what's your plan for 4 plates? I'm at the same level, just wondering how the fuck you're gonna stack 90 pounds in 3 months. grayskull? smolov? diggin that shit tho


    haha really just a pipe dream. no real routines i am looking at, but with the extra time available, just planned on eating more (which was a problem with my wacky schedule) and going very consistently. i think i had the potential already to pull 3 plates before, but my grip was really weak. i'll look into smolov though, seems interesting.

  6. ^after taking a week off for vacation and pulling a PR of 315 x 5 with no grip troubles, i believe this statement. finally reached a goal of three plates! i'm going for four plates by the end of the summer. 

  7. starting to learn how to do snatches with the barbell. worked on my technique today after deadlifting and rows, it's totally an awesome exercise, but have to get the overhead squat down to a lower level. started off with just the bar, and ended up loading some 25's on to test out the technique, to success. might go for it on friday... i'll have to see how i feel. the california strength instructional videos really helped, but any suggestions for technique?


    here's my progress so far, final weight for last sets on my 5x5's:

    DL: 295

    Squat: 235

    Front Squat: 205

    Power Cleans: 175

    Rows: 175

  8. gotta start doing snatches with the barbell, i usually just warm up with 50 snatches with a 45 lb kettlebell. i'll most likely switch up the routines and PC on another day. but i also like to do clean and presses too... probably will switch to DL once a week, it's been sporadic so far.

    all about those pendlay rows though, only way i've been doing it.

  9. tough workout today... power cleaned 175 x 5 but really was hammering my thighs accidentally on the release as i didn't want my grip to give out and drop heavily on the floor (no bumpers). after that, deadlifts were killing me even after switching to hook grip... should i do power cleans on another day which i don't dead lift? just don't want to get around to doing DL's and having my grip give out.

    but maxed out today as below:

    PC: 175 x 5

    DL: 275 x 5

    Rows: 135 x 5

    really have to work on my rows, but i'm too exhausted at the end of my workout...

  10. thanks for the advice guys. i think i'm going to just try to go right into it, i attempted it before when i was just starting and it was slightly painful. i'll see how it goes on wednesday when i deadlift/clean.

    on another topic, can anyone else not tolerate rudeness at the gym? asked a dude nicely if i could use the squat rack while he deadlifted and he just grunted and made a big scene. could have just said no instead of being a dick about it... guess it's that i'm a macho asian du complex... (i'm asian too btw)

    but on a better note, starting doing 5 by 5's with front squat and did 185 x 5 on my first time after doing regular squats. feels good man.

  11. been stalling on my last set of deadlifts, 275 x 5. about three or four into them, my grip starts to give out... not willing as poostain said before also to go over/under or use straps/gloves. i definitely feel like i can lift more weight, it's just the grip that is giving up near the end (but this is also after doing 5 x 5 power cleans).

    really need to do hook grip. for you guys who are using it already, how did you go about switching over to it? did you just do the same weights using hook grip or did you have to build up some tolerance initially with some lighter weight?

  12. is there a downside to not benching very often? right now i rotate between doing squat/front squat, DL, power clean and clean and press. i am up to the following:

    DL: 295 x 5

    Squat: 225 x 5

    PC/C&P: 155 x 5

    I've just started to improve my squat as it was severely lacking before. I usually warm up with kettlebell workouts with a 45 lb kettlebell doing:

    Snatches x 50

    Swings x 50

    Clean and Press x 50

    Any rec's to improve my workout?

  13. headed to tokyo/HK this christmas and have some concerns about the weak yen to dollar exchange rate.

    is it worth it to buy clothes in tokyo, or is it a better idea to wait till HK? Are japanese brands (mainly interested in Julius, Viridi-Anne) that much cheaper in japan or are they similarly priced in places such as HK or NYC? Looking for Atelier NY type brands, and last time I went to Tokyo (Summer '08) I had a blast because of the incredible selection and "fair" exchange rate.

  14. started deadlifting today. felt really good. i started off low to try to get my form down, but i maxed out at 155 lbs x10.

    also have been eating a lot more, so hoping to see some gains... been tired of being 6'1 and 165 lbs for so long..

  15. supermeatheads, need your guy's advice on mass gainers. what are people's opinions on them? i've noticed i have a very difficult time getting enough calories in me cause of my crazy schedule, and was thinking that mass gainers would be a nice way to supplement some of the eating I have not been doing. for people who can vouch for them, what's a good brand? should i try other supplements? i've avoided taking any protein/supplements, but feel like to pack in some calories if i want to see any progress weight wise.

    on another note, started squatting and deadlifting. feels good. just hope my form is good though.

  16. yeah, i see what you mean. i learned my method from the trainer at the intelligentsia lab, but i'm open to trying other methods and timings. i generally try to pour so the water from the kettle drops straight down, but i do see myself pouring a little fast occasionally. i'll have to time myself better doing it to see if my times i posted are accurate or not.

    awesome that you mentioned barefoot, it was one of the first places i went to where i saw coffee being made differently. what do you think of their brew method? i see that they agitate the beans by stirring them a little after the bloom and after pour time. i wasn't too impressed last time i went to try their espresso though. it was odd that they didn't evenly distribute the grounds, but rather dosed out, and then tamped right away. they were extremely rigid their descriptions of their espressos, with an exact 22 second brew time for their papua new guinea peaberry espresso, which wouldn't really allow for fluctuations in grind from temperature change and other variables.

  17. Maybe a bit too fast. i think you actually want to go for 2:30 - 3:00

    Are you saying the entire brew time should be 2:30 including bloom time? I wrote the times in literal step by step times, so the entire process would take 2:30 from when i first pour the water to bloom to when i stop the process at 420 grams.

    for V60

    i've been playing around with recent WBC champ Matt Pergers V60 recipe.


    have you thought about getting the Kone 3? Heard great things.

    oh yes, i've seen his winning video and it seems really interesting. i'll have to try that procedure of brewing sometime. for the hario i use about the same parameters as the chemex, but just pour slightly differently (staying half an inch away from the filter, so it doesn't extract through the sides.)

    As for the kone, i've heard some varying things about it. i'm not sure if i want to invest in one until i try it out, so i might try it out at the intelli lab when i get a chance.

  18. The sightglass I have is the Costa Rica Los Angelese and Costa Rica Finca Genesis.

    ah yes, we had the costa rican finca i believe. from what i remember it was an extremely delicate coffee, so it might just be the characteristic of the bean. from my experience, costa ricans are known to be less about the big body and more about the delicate acidities and flavor. try it in a V-60 if you have it, it might bring out the delicate flavors more.

    the sightglass summer offering of ethiopian (forgot the name but it is not currently on the website) was quite nice. tasting it next to the intelligentsia ethiopian doyo was a treat. try their new ethiopian or their el salvador (friend's recommendation) and i think you'll find those a little fuller.

  19. I find breaking down coffee into fractions of grams to be very tedious for daily use. I use 15oz of water to 5 level tablespoons of freshly ground beans in a Chemex with a Kone.

    I leave the bean counting and weighing to when i visit the slow bar at the cafes i frequent.

    Yes, it is a bit tedious at times, butiI'm a huge advocate of consistency and using a scale is really the only way i've been able to make a consistent cup every time i brew. plus it is practice for me as my shop does chemex pour overs to order. how is the kone for you though? i've heard some varying opinions on it, but it seems like proper technique is really important.

  20. I had a bag of the espresso Elida Estate. Don't know if the roast is different from the one you have, but it was phenomenal. A really kickass single origin espresso.

    interesting, i'm curious to how the two bags differ.

    as for the japanese iced coffee method, i'm not a huge fan. i feel a lot of single origins just do not work as iced coffee, but that's my opinion. personally when i'm drinking iced coffee, i just want to chug it to get through a hot day, and the cold brew process smooths it out too well.

    what is everybody's preferred brew method and procedure? my go to is a chemex using 26.25 grams of coffee and 420 grams of water. 45 second bloom time and 1:30 to 1:45 extraction.

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