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Posts posted by destructodisk

  1. can somebody explain what is so good about eames chairs?

    no hate, I see nothing wrong with the design, and I'm sure I've even enjoyed sitting in one before.. I've just never understood why they're mentioned so much on here and apparently so sought after.

  2. caleb haine representin my alma mater blaaaaaaat

    a few thoughts on today's games:

    1. greg jennings put da team on his back doe

    2. jay cutler is still a fucking wimp that looks like he just woke up always

    3. the jets were so pathetic i was actually happy for the steelers, even though i hate all of them.

    4. fuck big ben and his rapist ways

    5. go BRONCOS!

  3. 5379175158_f676c01121.jpg

    record release party U st in DC tonight, bring em out bring em out

    dior napoleon

    julius shredded hem tank

    dior raws

    MMM ring

    hat made in honor or ashley olsen(my boy will be wearing the mary kate hat)

    novis: my natalie portman hat(injured reserve)

    I had my suspicions, but this pretty much clears up any doubt I had that this guy is an utter abomination.

    edit - i can't even come up with a funny caption for this..

  4. I agree that the system is designed to fuck as many people as possible, but there had to be a reason you were pulled over in the first place..

    Were you speeding? Swerving? Perhaps you shouldn't have been driving!

  5. Madlib Medicine Show #11 dropped finally after being delayed... It's really good, probably my favorite of the Medicine Show series so far -- all original Madlib beats with vocal features from Oh No, Guilty Simpson and others.. If you dug #4 "Loop Digga", this one is even better.

    I'd link videos to some of the songs I really dug, but nothing's been put up yet.

  6. Yo cage sounds like he ate too much benadryl or something, plus tyler's beats are just way more rawwwwww

    anyways, NESK I feel you, and feel that way of most artists. Every person has the potential to impress me or let me down -- the ones that keep coming with that fire are the ones that I really pay attention to, and quite frankly, the OFWGKTA movement has supplied a considerable amount of good work (albiet transient hipster internet drivel), that actually stands out in the sea of fucked up tryna money gettin' derivative bullshit..

    free flocka

  7. impossible

    nesk i feel you. i do enjoy the oddfuture stuff, but theyll definitely fade into obscurity soon. this threads a dump anyways, with the constant posting of bad rappers utterly average (at best) tracks it's tough to find the few real joints out there.

    also hip hop is something you live rap is the music etc.. posting fucking wiz khalifa and rick ross songs in a thread called "good new hip hop" is, in my opinion, an abomination

    oddfuture is just getting started, and they make legitimately good music. I'm not gonna make a tumblr in their honor or go spray paint OFWGKTA swastikas on buildings but I still get down with a lot of their stuff.




    You really sound so dumb in the last part of your post. You say some vague shit about hip hop is something you live and rap is the music blahfuckingblah, in order to hate on Wiz Khalifa & Rick Ross getting posted here? Both artists have made horrible shit, but so do most anyway.. If you are really gonna claim the "HIP HOP LYFESTYLE", shouldn't you be appreciative of any good song that is a product of it, regardless of who made it?

  8. - j dilla - mochilla presents: suite for ma dukes (really for the DVD)

    - miles davis- bitches brew (40th year anniversary, DVD is fucking insane)

    - flying lotus - cosmogramma

    - gorillaz - plastic beach

    - big boi - sir luscious left foot

    - madlib medicine show (especially Legend of the Loop Digga & Black Soul)

    - conway west

    - roots - how i got over

    - starkey - space traitor

    - aggaloch - marrow of the spirit

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