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Posts posted by destructodisk

  1. I'm kind of embarrassed to tell my family and friends that I am not going back to college for the time being. I feel like everyone holds the expectation of me to get a degree, but I simply have other priorities in life I need to attend to.

    I'm 100% decided that I'm going to be a professional musician, and the past 1 1/2 years in school have been driving me crazy since I had no time to make music/play shows etc.. As my interest in school rapidly declined, and I found myself blowing off assignments more and more to make music, I decided this lifestyle was killing me, and I needed drastic change.

    So now, going into the new year, I have a steady, ridiculously enjoyable job at a record store, and more importantly -- time to practice/produce. I expect big things for myself in 2010.

    RandR, will u please tear my young idealistic dreams apart? I need a reality check bro, should I go into accounting?? So confuse

    PS, how 2 get girl?:eek:

  2. man, HOLY, you have been rocking the "I look really fucking uncomfortable in not only my poorly chosen clothing, but my own skin concept" almost non stop, and no one's called you on it!

    I mean for real, how you gonna look as wack as you do on a regular basis and post junglejane in worst? you are completely horrible

  3. california does have stone brewery, so that is a definite "big up", just puttin on for my city tho..

    although, i still have much to experience -- you all are probably light years ahead of me as i'm not even 21 yet.

    now that sufu is no longer dial-up status i'm gonna have to browse through here and check out some recommendations.

    any of you guys dig barley wine? i've had a few and some were really good, although definitely beverages to enjoy slowly. would appreciate any suggestions on more good ones to try.

  4. sufu = too slow to read entire thread, so...

    have you guys tried any of Avery Brewing Co's wares? They're based in Colorado and ridiculously good, from the excellent wheat White Rascal ( i don't even like wheat beers usually), to their demon brews like Mephistophele's Stout and Samael's Ale.

    anyway, def. worth checking out if you haven't already, Colorado has the best breweries in the nation, dog

  5. yuuuup, been bumping Trunk Muzik for awhile now.

    I skip that track though. I don't think I've listened very far into it.

    song is dope, i didn't like it at first but the beat is so dope with it's 3/4 polyrhythm shit going on. box chevy pt.3 is still my main jam from that though.

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