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Posts posted by twistedtrees

  1. so my dad told me about some song that was popular when he was in college. I looked for it and ended up finding the album at a flea market or some place, maybe I bought it off ebay or something for his birthday. Anyway, after listening to it, I had a lot more respect for his musical tastes. Argent's "dance in the smoke"

    I don't think anybody's actually sampled it, but it could be a good one. Plus, the typography is on some previous-next level whatev...


  2. I totally agree with not snitching, but on the other hand, I agree more in giving credit where credit is due. Therefore I'm just gonna post the originals





  3. i think i can wait to satisfy my curiosity of how bbq tastes from the south and west etc etc.

    The fest may be good, but comparing it to bbq from the south or west (or a bbq fest IN the south or west) is like comparing Old Navy jeans to Samurai denim.

  4. Did you utilize any bacon fat as a substitute for the butter? I have a mason jar of bacon fat and I've always wanted to use it for ice cream.

    No, no bacon fat or butter, just a 50/50 mix of milk and heavy whipping cream. Use the bacon fat to saute onions and squash or green beans for that down south cookin'

  5. no I had the same problem when I first got mine, the denim for the button holes is so stiff it makes it hard to button them. My fingers turned by blue and raw by the time I was able to get them buttoned.

    Just keep trying and work that denim, they'll go in.

  6. Anyone had WildDevil from Victory? It's HopDevil recipe, but brewed completely with brettanomyces instead of sacchromyces!

    No but I just saw it today at the store, didn't realize it had Bretts in it. Sounds a little weird, but I would try it.

    Here's what I've been up to over the past 2 weeks

    3 Floyds Alpha King. They claim it as an APA, but I would agree with others that it's really an IPA with a more malty, sweet aftertaste. Good stuff.


    Dogfish Head Aprihop. The first couple were good, but the last one I had tasted weird. Good to try, probably won't get again


    Rogue Chipotle Ale. Not bad, kinda liked the smoky, spicy flavor. I discovered this pairs perfectly with bacon.


    SN Wet Hops Harvest Ale. Decent, nothing too rememberable.


    2009 Correction Ale. Very bitter IPA.


    Southern Tier Heavy Weizen. This was really good, you could actually taste a little banana like the description said. Although, it was kind of annoying that this gusher lasted forever. I seriously had to set it in the sink for 25 minutes before it stopped foaming enough to pour.


    And finally Southern Tier Mokah. This was really good, but like a marathon. I think it took me like 2 or 3 hours to finish it it was so stout and sweet. But I got through it ok, decent buzz in just one beer. Very Chocolatey


  7. I don't know what the deal is, but it's not letting me rep anybody on this page even though I've "spread it around" over the past couple of days. Anyway, I owe everybody some rep. Nice lineup T, nice find B.

    I've been slacking on the posts, but not the drinking. I'll try to upload some of my recent drinks, although I don't think I was able to get a photo of the Dogfish Head Red & White I had. It wasn't bad, but I don't think I'm into that style of beer because I wouldn't get it again.

    For tonight, Southern Tier's Mokah.

  8. has anybody here been to moto? im going to be in chicago in a few weeks and might go there. not sure yet about 10 vs 20 courses.

    also any other chicago restaurant recommendations? i don't know much about the city so obvious stuff is ok too.

    I haven't been, but the owner has opened a similar restaurant called (surprise) OTOM. Don't know what it's like as far as reviews go, but I think the food is similar.

    As for Alinea, again I haven't been but one of my classmates went and supposedly it was insanely awesome. I think the cheapest meal is like $110 a person sans drink, tax, and tip (and supposedly you are supposed to tip more than 20%). Also, don't forget about Chicago's great 10.25% sales tax...that shit adds up quick.

    For more peasant food, Oysy is not bad for sushi (for what you pay for) The prices are decent and not much of a wait for smaller parties. Gibson's stakehouse is supposed to be one of the best in the country, but I've heard Morton's is better.

    Also, if you want the everyday food, check out the Superjetset thread titled "best, cheap ethnic food in Chicago." I just updated the Chicago list within the past week or so and many other people have posted some great recommendations.

  9. very impressive twistedtrees. how many washes did these go through? machine?

    thanks. at least 5 washes. All are machine except the last one because somebody else was washing their clothes in it so I just washed them in the bathtub.

  10. I might be highly interested in a trade (if I can find out how to pack and ship it without breakage). Thanks for the price tip, that didn't seem as bad as I thought it'd be for how good it seems to be.

    Also, I owe you rep B-Dawg, it won't let me.

    Also, if you think you would be interested in a trade, go to Binny's website and look around for anything that looks interesting as far as American Craft Beer goes. Their sale ends in one week. I picked up a 6 pack of Bell's Expedition Stout for $14, usually they run like $18 or $19. Pretty much every 6 pack, and bomber are like $2 off. But I can also go to West Lakeview Liquors which is rated as one of the best shops in the country. They're just a couple miles from my house. They've got Cantillon St. Lamvinus.

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