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Posts posted by fattybfat

  1. here are my Snipe shoe (leather interior and exterior)....one of my favorite pair ....because is free...anyway...i have them since middle school...about 8 to 9 years. :)



    after clean with saddle soap ( the saddle soap is so strong that it removes alot of the previous shoe cream )


    post shine



  2. that fh wax didn't darken it at all... i may not have used enough... oh well.

    my obenauf's LP arrive two weeks ago and i used it that same day. it darkened a tad bit. i tanned it for a few hours. didn't re-apply the obenauf's though.

    am i doing this right?



    while rubbing, the obenauf's LP, i accidentally got some inside, so i just rubbed the interior, too. it darkened slightly:



    is there any way to prevent the edges from separating like that?

    my redmoon separate like that too....so i rub beeswax on the edges and it helps alot:)

  3. Hey Fattybfat, remember you got a pair of Stows (or was it Maltons?) in Acorn Antique? Any evolution on those? Might be all the motivation i need to get a pair!

    ya...only worn them like once a week...maybe will wear them more in winter...those are stow

    and i can post some pics later on...just give them a shine..:)

  4. datasupa:

    nice, this is my first time see the stow in 1001, it is much lighter than the acorn...the sole has much darker color than the leather...which is very different than the acorn antique


    i have the leather sole and i can tell you now that it wear out very fast. I have 2 heel plates put on the toe yesterday. The danite sole should give you much longer wear. I choose the leather sole because they are availabe in fitting 5, the commando/dainite sole are fitting 6...i believe...anyway...do you know the difference between the malton and stow??

    BTW, retricker1829 has just listed some stow and other on ebay..

  5. is the brand redwing too? yeah i saw one its like a 3 piece kit the leather cleaner.. the conditioner and the mink oil is that what you mean?

    no...lexol is not the same brand as red wing...

    i bought the lexol in the red wing store only...

    condtitioner and mink oil are different too

    conditioner is the one that preserve the leather

    mink oil waterproof the leather only

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