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Posts posted by stadsvandringar

  1. Opening Ceremony is probably the only place left in LA that you will be able to find Cloak these days. I believe they still have a decent selection (with prices significantly reduced), although I'm not sure if they still have boots. Barneys used to have cloak, but last season was the last one.

  2. Undercover is one of my favorite labels going right now. It seems like for the last couple seasons the emphasis has been on more high-fashion concepts: good cuts/tailoring and materials, rather than the focus on graphics and avant garde design that was used in the past.

    The new season seems like it has a "futuristic" vibe going on, kind of similar to raf simons in my opinion. I haven't seen too much of it in the stores yet, but I did manage to pick up the striped shirt below.


    I was really into his purple collection from last season too. I didn't go much for the printed tees, as they just seemed a rehash of the T collection from the season before, but basically everything else was very nice, slim cut and great quality. I got one of the lame button downs from that one:


    The photos of course don't do it justice. By far my favorite season was last summer's T collection though. I'm way into krautrock, and it was really cool to see krautrock inspired stuff come out from a fashion brand. I think that was a first. I liked how he mixed remakes of early 70's german band tees with his own fake band tees. I guess he even put out some 12 inches of the fake bands, although I have yet to hear them. I'm very curious what they sound like.

  3. The problem that I have with the Paris and NYC stores is that their markup is so horrendous. You're basically paying twice the price (for an already expensive piece) of what you would get in Japan. If you go in with less than $500 you'll be feeling the pain. If you go in with more, you'll still be feeling the pain having spent all that money.

  4. I love the bunny shirt! I found a really torn up, tied-dyed one a while back at crossroads for only $10. I kept it for a while but ended up reselling it on ebay.

    As far as I know, unholy matrimony doesn't do any formal showings. They've got some crappy pics posted on their website of each season's designs, but that's about it. He's got some kind of arrangement with a small shop called k-market in nagoya, and united arrows, ships and beams occasionally stock him I believe. I've yet to find a shop that has more than a handful of his stuff. I agree though, it's cool he's getting some recognition.

  5. Just went to wasteland in LA again today. They also had some black denim, hand distressed shorts for $35. They were cut pretty small though. They only had smalls and mediums, and the medium seemed to be about a 30" waist. Oh well.

  6. I love that 7-11 is embracing this when they have such a negative portrayal of the kwik-e-mart on the show. Price gouging? Selling past date items? Being constantly robbed? That's the image they want to show?

  7. I love that sweater. I forget the exact price I paid, but it was somewhere around $50 or $60. I haven't seen any grey button front shirts, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. As I mentioned before, this stuff is notoriously difficult to find. It's hard even to track down photos of what's out there.

  8. Glad I figured that out. Sorry about the technical difficulties. That's pretty much the extent of what I've got. I used to have a bit more, but sold it on ebay.

    One more photo of the shirts for good measure, taken from the K-market website


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