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Posts posted by mikesduc

  1. The difference in jeans is definitely frustrating. If SDA's are raping you to start you're screwed and if Sammie's AREN'T raping you you're screwed and then everything in between. But I guess that's what makes it fun.:D

  2. Those still look huge. And are you sure she wants them?

    I used to try to make my little sister listen to Funkadelic, she hated that shit.

    You gotta remember she's only 11. She' s got a few years of growing to go. And she's the one that wanted them, she just argued with her mom for 30 minutes about keeping them. These were for her mom but were just too small.

  3. she looked clean, yo! i think ill be ok probably.

    You're channeling my younger self. Glad to see young and drugged behavior alive and well.

    BTW start using protection you doofus.

    Edit: Do not text. Save the beautiful experience you had together for yourself.

  4. More thoughts on shark's post: Parental judgement and common sense IMO do not apply to fit of jeans. They have to do with monitoring a child's development into a functioning and happy person. You do this by fostering a sense of personal responsibility, respect of yourself and others, awareness of the world around you and where your child fits into that world.

    Posting this thread was not about SuFu making decisions for us. it was about having fun with my daughter and letting her share one of my passions on an equal basis. Up until this post it was exactly that. Even the post about Begs coming out of the woodwork was funny. Your post though reflects the attitude of some people that you should shelter your children from the world rather than prepaing them to live in it. Internet pervs are much less a concern to me than my child being aware of the dangers she faces now and will face in the future.

    In closing I hope you take my response in the spirit it was given. Basically Fuck off and go live life. If you lose sleep over internet pervs you need to reevaluate your parenting skills. if you need help with that please feel free to contact me.

  5. I'm leaning to letting her keep them.


    1. She's my daughter and I am putty in her hands.

    2. After the shrink I think they'll look decent.

    3. She doesn't care what other people think, if she likes them that's all that matters to her.

    4. I hate A&F's exploitative advertising.

    5. I Don't want to get her something that fits her now cause she'll grow out of them too fast.

    6.I'd like to have a sammy contest with her.

  6. She's pretty much a clothes hound. She has pretty good sense of style and puts her own looks together. Supposedly she is the trendsetter in her class. She has a twin sister who could care less so it's pretty funny to see the difference. My wife is sorta pissed since I bought them for her and my kid might end up getting them which almost makes it worth it to give them to her. I'll keep reading opinions as long as they keep coming and let you know which way I decide.

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