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Posts posted by ProfMonnitoff

  1. I just downloaded this, love it. I need to actually buy some albums. Is it hard to find or anything? hmmm...lemme google it

    Bought it from him personally when he was in Vienna. Great mix, definitely worth the 10 Euros, plus I feel good giving him money because his music has been very inspirational to me in many ways.

  2. pick up the two ring finger strings with the thumbs and then release the string at the pinkies... i think? elementary school was quite a long time ago

    edit: actually for some reason i just remembered that I have a 200 page book on this shit... might flip through it tomorrow

  3. RJD2- FHH

    "Keep tryna keep it real by keepin' it raw

    While half of y'all still be keepin' it flaw

    And all the real heads scream "FUCK HIP HOP!"

    Until this mediocre bullshit stops"

    That track is great

    With battle I'll crack all your gear and all your wack raps

    You can't be saved by your babbling or your backpack

    Doing it for the love is great but you fake

    And putting your shit out is a mistake nobody wants to make

    So what the fuck is your definition of underground?

    Depressing beats and bleak cats who love the sound

    Well I ain't part of that, I'm tired of rapper's garbage

    I'm the part of the underground who only feels the raw shit

    And I can take a nigga out regardless

    You can bring your hardest artists and I'll make 'em heartless

  4. yea ive never tried e either, thinking about doing some before the daft punk show in august.. but i brought it up and a friend told me that doing acid and coke would be pretty much the same thing minus the amphetamines.. i dont know what to do

    Ah you fucker I was gonna go see them in Keyspan Park but family plans got in the way.

  5. Damn you for having a 28mm 1.8... RAWR. C'mon man tell me how much it cooooost ^_^.

    I saw one at a local camera shop for about 500 Euros.

    And to clutter up the thread with even more non-picture posts, I'm having a really really hard time to decide what my first dslr should be. I had an analogue slr a while ago so I know the basics when it comes to using them. I don't want a 400d (body is too small for my likes), but I can't decide between the d70, d200, and 30d. I don't care about kit lenses very much unless one of them comes with a really good one, because I'll probably be buying the body alone, and get some pimp ass aftermarket lenses anyways.

    also, is it just me or does the guy in corter's pictures look like a bigger, bald version of haptronic? I think it's the eyes and the lips.

  6. like new money kids or something?

    I don't know if it's new money (though since we're talking about hong kong I'm guessing it is) but if you ever go to any moderately expensive club in hk, you'll see the kids that I'm talking about and be able to sense them from a mile away.

  7. You're 2 days late, RJD2 was playing here on friday.

    Here's something I wrote up for someone in a PM a few months ago. Not all of it is relevant to you, but to be honest I don't have time to write something similar again right now.

    First off, I have to apologize for not including addresses. I just don't know any. Nobody here describes locations in terms of the street they're on (with the exception of 5 or 6 major streets). Also, you can find the addresses of everything quite easily in the yellow pages.

    For shopping, Vienna isn't really that great in comparison to most other cities that have a similar reputation. There are, however, a few shops that are absolutely amazing. My absolute favorite store is Park (www.park.co.at). It's more of a concept store, and they're between seasons right now (but so is everybody else), but it's still a must see. The people that work there are amazing, fashion and design are really their passions and they are extremely down to earth. Another great place is Chegini. The store really has a "superfuture aesthetic". They sell stuff like Ann D., Dior, Undercover, and many other brands along those lines. The workers there are also very nice. One time, I literally tried on every single leather jacket that they had in my size, ended up not buying one, and they didn't even care. If you're into bespoke clothing, my absolute favorite is Knize. They also have a lot of great ready to wear, including some of the best shirts and knitwear I've ever seen.There's another amazing shop, but I can't remember the name right now. If you're on Kaerntnerstrasse coming from Stephansplatz, it's on the left on the corner of some little alley that branches off. If you like Ludwig Reiter shoes, you definitely shouldn't miss out on the shop.The few shops that are worth visiting in other districts are already listed on Superfuture. With the exception of Ra'an, everything in their very brief Vienna list still exists I believe.

    For museums, I don't think there are many "obscure" places to see. The main ones are the Kunsthistorische and Naturhistorische Museum, Kunstforum, MUMOK (Museum der Modernen Kunst), and Kunsthalle. Though personally, I like the first two for their architecture more than anything else.

    For restaurants, there are a few obvious ones that have a great reputation for a reason (Do&Co, Fabio's, etc.), but there are also many great other places. My favorite for lunch is the restaurant in Meinl am Graben (which, by the way, is the most amazing grocery store ever). You usually have to book at least a week in advance though. In the early afternoon, a great place to go is Immervoll. They are one of the last places really serving a high-quality "traditional" Schnitzel. Limes is a really nice new place on Hoher Markt. The food is in my opinion better than Do&Co and it's cheaper, and the interior design is breathtaking. But the ceilings are so high that the acoustics are absolutely terrible and having a conversation on a table of eight is difficult. For two people, it's great though.

    A few other random tidbits... If at all possible, visit Naschmarkt really early on a Saturday morning. There's a lot of treasures to be found there, but 99% is junk. My favorite cafe is just across from the street from Naschmarkt. It's called Mocca Club, and while it's not at all a traditional Viennese place, it has a great atmosphere and an amazing selection of coffee. Many of my favorite places have already been bought out by Starbucks. Tricaffe at the Boerse is great, the one on Rotenturmstrasse isn't.

    Prater isn't worth seeing unless you like drugs and prostitutes. If anyone tells you that having dinner at a Heuriger is something any visitor has to do, they just want your money. Stay away from Schwedenplatz at night, the rest of the 1st district is always safe. Flex (www.flex.at) is probably one of the strangest places ever. It's one of the dirtiest and cheapest-looking clubs ever, but they have the most expensive sound system in Austria (I think in all of Europe) and they constantly get high class acts. Clubbing in general really sucks in Vienna. All of the decent places become hangouts for one of the major private school and then get filled up with the stereotypical people that go to that specific school within weeks. The drinking age of 16 and the ridiculously easy availability of fake IDs is both a blessing and a curse in this regard. There are a few semi-"scene" places (think half cobrasnake, half stuck-up old money kids), but I really don't know too much about those.

  8. RJD2, this very night. I come to the place at 10, who's next to the wardrobe... the man himself, selling CDs of unreleased shit (common stuff like In Rare Form and Constant Elevation, but also some ever rarer stuff... talked to him for 5 minutes...

    First DJ played really good hip hop for a while, Souls Of Mischief, KRS One, Dilated Peoples, but all with sick beats and great for just chilling out and having some beers.

    Then one of the guys from RJ's band comes up and starts playing self written songs. Guy is a freakin multitalent... played 4 instruments and sang, all within 20 minutes or so. Then the rest of the band and RJD2 himself came out and blew everyone away. The way his old songs are reinterpreted live is absolutely amazing. 2 guys on guitars, a great percussion guy and one on the keyboard, all rotating positions and all singing. Out of this world. Played classics like Ghostwriter and Since We Last Spoke, but also some lesser known stuff. For about half an hour, the band left and it was just RJD2 and 3 turntables and a sequencer. He went insane. I bought 2 CDs, one instrumental CD and one old mix from 2001, never heard either before.

    Didn't bang a scene chick but it was still an absolutely amazing night, and its not often that i say that. I'll beg some of my friends who were with me to send me pictures, theres some of us chilling with RJD2, he's a great down to earth guy. Loved it.

  9. what does fob stand for .... sorry im new and british , by the way i found most of the pics of the girls on here to be quite pretty , so i dont get it ,

    Fresh Off the Boat if I am not mistaken. It's kind of a borderline racist slur, but at least this thread is one of appreciation :)

  10. Is there anywhere else to buy his stuff other than Paris? Considering that he seems to live and work in Vienna, and that only a few streets away from his office is a store that sells Ann D, Raf, Wendy&Jim, Margiela, and many other brands along that line, it is bizarre that I have never seen any of his work in person.

    It seems he was one of the lucky ones who studied in Vienna back when Raf was the head of Fashion Design at the university (though many people falsely believe that he still is... he was replaced 2 or so years ago by a female designer whose name escapes me right now). He's also worked with (for) Wendy&Jim apparently.

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