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Posts posted by ProfMonnitoff

  1. i fucking hate cracked and buzzfeed and all those sites that are like "5 absolutely useless pieces of trivia you will compulsively click through to quintuple our pageviews for ad revenue and that you will forget in a matter of hours"


    i could tolerate this 'journalism' if it at least wasn't so pop culture video games zombie geek sci fi technology etc brrrghghhghghh. i thought of some articles i would either write or like to see instead


    "The Millenial Generation Is Awful, but so Is Everything Else"


    "5 Common Household Items that Will Trigger an Endless Spiral of Self-Loathing"


    "10 Reasons Nobody Cares Who You Are but then Even if They Did That's Worse because Fame and Fortune Are Just Fleeting Illusions"


    "Fuck You"


    "8 New Spirit-Crushing Statistics"

    the trick is not to click the links no matter what the headline is

  2. The new Sony cameras don't make sense until there are some better lenses. Who wants to put a kit zoom on a $2000 camera? And $1000 for a 55/1.8 is ridiculous, as is $800 for a 35/2.8.  The only mirrorless systems that make any sense right now are Fuji, Micro 4/3, and Nikon 1. Each have their ups and downs, but I'd choose any of them over Canon/Nikon SLR for my personal shooting.


    I'm using an Olympus E-M5 with three great primes (14, 25, 75) and a cheap tele zoom for when I need it, and while it's not perfect (manual focus is useless, and i wish the aperture controls were on the lens) it's the most fun camera setup I've ever had. However if I could live with nothing but a 35mm equivalent I'd throw it out and buy an X100s immediately.

  3. I had a closer look at the veil jacket at DSM and it's unbelievable good. The amount of consideration that went into it is ridiculous, there are so many mind blowing cutting/construction details. It also just feels amazing when you put it on. Some of it can't be explained in pictures such as the way the combination of stiff, soft, and stretch material in the sleeves facilitates arm movement. I was just wearing a white t that day and I thought it was fine despite the mesh.


    When I was there (a day or two after DSM got their stock), they had the entire ethnic stereotyping collection (veil jacket, denim jacket, tee, pants, cap, backpack) as well as the white shirt, small skull bag, and hat. I asked the SA about other items, particularly the multi hood jacket, and he said they had other things but sold out on day one.


    I'm personally saving/waiting for when the hooligan jacket is available. That's definitely my favourite item, and I want to own at least one thing from this groundbreaking collection.

  4. I thought the same until I tried it. Turns out you stop noticing that youre reading on a silly plastic thing about 5 pages in. You lose awareness of the book/kindle as a physical object and are just reading words. Or do you often, half an hour into a reading session, think "damn this book feels nice in my hands"? You have to remember, e-reader screens aren't "screens" the way phone/tablet/laptop screens are.


    I still buy the occasional paper book, but I move around a lot and if you add up the money it has cost me over the last few years to transport my books from place to place it's probably many times the cost of the books themselves, so I'm buying as much digital as I can for now.


    The main exception is books I know I'll want to write in. I've tried every major e-reader and all of their annotation features suck compared to a pen.

  5. this should be renamed the suckdick quotes thread

    discussing whether or not he should ask some girl to come over

    me: if she says no, you are in the same position you are now

    me: but if she says yes

    me: you are better off than you are now

    me: you can't lose anything here

    me: just do it

    suckdick: lol omg too late i told her already that i will see her tmorrow

    suckdick: lol

    suckdick: she's not even pretty

    suckdick: i just wanna touch bra

    suckdick: u know

    me: LOL

    me: lolololollolloll

    suckdick: i love bra fuck

    suckdick: i love lace bra

    suckdick: i LOVE bra


    suckdick: i fuckin LOVE bra man

    suckdick: seirously

    suckdick: i'd wear it

    suckdick: i dunno


  6. The design is lazy and the styling in these pictures his horrible. The first pic could be cross posted to worst street style and nobody would notice. UC has always been hit or miss for me and the womens stuff has definitely been much stronger than the mens in the last few seasons.

  7. the most average middle class job can buy you stuff like that if you dont have a family to support. rent a place that's $100/month cheaper than what you could afford? good job u just earned $1200 to spend on cluthingz

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