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Posts posted by ProfMonnitoff

  1. So how pumped are you guys for the Apple tablet? I'm 100% sure it'll be coming sometime this year or early next year. Everything they've been doing recently in terms of software, when you think about it, has made OSX more touchscreen friendly. Examples:

    - Dock Expose in 10.6 - Press and hold an app's icon to open Expose for that app. Drag content to the app's icon and hold to select Expose for that app, then drag onto the desired window, and it gains focus. All of this can be done with a single finger.

    - iTunes - Coverflow is really kinda awkward with a mouse/keyboard. It was made for touchscreens. Also there's category view (or whatever its called) which really lends itself to touchscreens.

    - Safari - The new blank tab has your most common 9 (or more) websites, meaning that you get there with a single press. Coverflow history is also a bit more finger-friendly than browsing history the regular way.


    There's an iPod event in September, my guess is that it'll be announced there and will be released when 10.6 comes out (november? december? jan? dunno)

  2. i love you but i hate six flags with a burning passion of the christ. where is this deerhoof playing at?

    six flags is the best theme park

    its actually based on rollercoasters rather than franchise tie-ins

  3. *

    Just say what's in your hearts and let the love shine through.



    i once had a panic moment

    i was applying to summer school programs in high school

    was emailing with a woman at columbia

    her last name ended in 'fried'

    i mistyped it

    wrote 'fired'

    thankfully she either didnt notice or didnt care

    got the place

    but ive proofread everything ive ever written since then

  4. I don't know what cities should be on this list. But I do recognized its Eurocentrism. One US city. What about South America, the rest of Asia, etc.? It's not representative. It's like US office or university demographics pre-Civil Rights and affirmative action.

    South America has some nice cities but many problems such as poor infrastructure, crime, pollution, etc.

    The rest of Asia has many similar issues that make it difficult for most Westerners (ie the audience of Monocle) to enjoy.

    Most US Cities suck. SF and Portland are probably the nicest to live in. New York is New York. Boston and Chicago are ok too. Everywhere else isn't even anywhere near top 100.

    The list measures quality of life in the real world, not quality of life in a perfect world.

    In the end it's just a list. Get over it.

  5. needs more pitch shift and chops

    its just slowed

    I will do it later because I love chopping and screwing shit, but it's too hot in my room to keep sitting at the comp

    i didnt just slow, i also shifted the pitch down a bit

    thing is mp3 quality wasnt very good in first place so if u shift it more it gets way too distorted unfortunately

    you can already hear the awful sound quality in my slowed version and thats not at all from youtube's compression

    how do you chop? i tried it in traktor with jump fwd and jump bwd on a single track but it always latches to wherever traktor thinks i want to skip to rather than just letting me do my thing

    thought about doing it in traktor just with 2 tracks slightly offset and a crossfader but thats a pain because youd have to do the entire track in one take

    live has a way of doing it but its a huge hassle

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