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Posts posted by kauflust

  1. I like most street foods in general.

    World Wide:

    Hot dogs


    Gai daan jai (doughy things)

    Sometimes pb squid in Korea

    Humus/Muhammara (roasted red pepper dip)


    Homemade salsa

    But I can also be pursuaded by a good apple or a handful of grapes.

    I just had the worst snack though: hot dog flavored potato chips.

  2. I agree with Grave of the Fireflies.

    How about Schindler''s List?

    Some Asian melodramas come to mind also, but can't think of any particular titles at the moment.

    There was a Korean film called Marathon about a retarded guy who could run a lot. When I first started to watch it I thought it was pretty overdone, but by the end I was cheering for Cho-Won with tears running down my face.

  3. New Age Sensitive Guy Time! According to this survey, movies likely to make men cry were:

    Shawshank Redemption

    Field of Dreams

    Saving Private Ryan




    any story about boys and their dogs


    What movies make SuFu-ers shed that rare tear or two?

    Mine would be the classic story of a boy and his intimidating but lovable intergalactic robot, The Iron Giant.


  4. ^ dude, not always true. i had a dream where i kept throwing myself off the balcony in my house to get away from some things that were chasing me, hoping to either wake up or move on to the next dream sequence and away from those things. i think i did that at least three times before i finally woke up.

  5. I'm looking to purchase a pair of Nudie Super Slim Kim in Yellow or Red denim for a friend, 29x32. They're on the official website, but I haven't been able to find them from any online retailers. Can anyone give me a heads up on where to look?

  6. From what I understand, urine is fairly sterile. Not much harm in washing them or leaving them be.

    dude, urine is sterile until it leaves your body. contact with the urethra opening instantly contaminates it, as with contact with air. the ammonia in urine, among other minerals, break down and creates the odor associated with urine and bums. "leaving them be" will only result in you smelling like aforementioned bum. jesus.

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