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Posts posted by n0torious

  1. Serious question as I just received my Sugar Cane 1947 Raw and I'm wondering whether I follow Superfuture's advice or the Japanese's.

    I think if you look around, there's not a majority of one or the other. Some of the most highly regarded fades that have been posted were once a month. It also has a lot to do with whether the user wears the jeans regularly and the type of wear they put them through. Bottom line: they're just jeans. Do what you normally do in them. If you are cool with wearing a pair that smells bad and gives you zits on your legs for the sake of really definted creases, go for it, nobody's going to stop you. If you want to wash them once a week, wash them once a week. There are no rules.

  2. Why the hell does he carry around an extra pair of laces with him?

    The one that immediately occurred to me was "why is he on an air conditioner?" Maybe his gear is so hot that's how he stays icy?

    Kill me please.

  3. flathead 3007 - size 34


    size 34

    waist - 17

    inseam - 36

    front rise - 11

    back rise - 14

    hem - 10.5

    thigh - 10.6

    knee - 9


    Waist - 16.3

    inseam - 33

    Front Rise - 10.5

    back rise - 13.5

    Leg opening - 10

    Thigh - 10.1

    knee - 8.2

    for reference im 6`4 - 185 lbs

    As someone who's 6'7" I've learned to get over the idea that jeans need to stack. If they fit you how you want them to, who cares. The stacking trend will go out sooner or later. so don't tailor your fit based on it.

  4. yeah ive been wearing diors for about a year ive had both the 21s and the 19s, I want something a bit looser now, still unsure about which waist size to go for though, im leaning towards the 33 so they can stretch and not be too loose.

    and with regards to the actual denim ive had lots of of jap repro jeans before my diors..

    You're going to want a wash, a soak, something, which will shrink 'em. Wearing samurais raw is a bad idea.

  5. I am not really a denim connoisseur or anything, just need some help from people who know better than me..

    With darker jeans, how much effect will it have on let's say a white pair of shoes as far as stains go? Any answers/advice/instructions are deeply appreciated. Thanks.



    Indigo stains white. you could be anal retentive and put a liner around the cuff of your pants, or just deal with it.

  6. Levi's 1st Gen Premium Skinner's.

    Worn since 2000 on and off. They are 8 years old and were just "rigid" when I first bought them, nothing special.

    Nicely done. Skinners were actually the first pair of jeans I spent decent money on, way back when. I don't like the boot cut so much anymore but I have a couple well worn pairs I still held on to.

  7. I forgot how tall you were...they look even better now! It must be a bitch finding jeans.

    It can be annoying, but some of the best brands have long inseams. So...more reason not to settle on a crappy pair.

    It's definitely a lot better than it was in high school. I just got used to sagging everything to make up for it.

    Thank you everybody for the rep and the kind words...I made the purchase directly based on consulting superfuture.

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