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Posts posted by n0torious

  1. That video has some good parts in it. Well, not by today's standards I guess.

    Still gets me stoked to skate though.

    A little too much vert footage but I still love it. I've been getting a ton of use out of the World Boxset, Trilogy in particular. I'll watch Kasper's part just to laugh at the benihanas.

  2. tomp.h4.jpg

    you know... i still think this style looks good. i need to get some bigger ts and jeans so i can switch it up and rock shit like this again.

    I kept all my old XL sized 4star/girl/alphanumeric/etc. gear and I'll pull it out now and then for a change of pace. I don't have a pair of baggy jeans I'm happy with though, but I do have some baggy cords.

  3. It's true. The only person I can think of that had a comparable footprint would be Jamie Thomas making everyone jump down handrails.

    I think I'm gonna go home and watch Tom murder that chain to bank in Uno.

  4. So true. And the hindsight of it has really allowed me to see the arc of it all. Early 90s, the big pants tiny wheels, to the technical 4star/dc/es era, to the tight pants, big rails era that zero brought on and baker cemented in the last days. you can see kids everywhere biting one era or another and they have no clue.


    I stole that from my school library. Still my favorite mag cover ever.

  5. I'm a slap pal...and I knew that you skated but I guess it didn't occur to me how many people were like me and got a lot of their influences from 90s skate culture. We should get a classic photothread going!

  6. I had the DC Way 4's with the translucent blue soles. Ripped them to shreds, then my dog ate them. Beyond those, all the old ones I have are still in pretty decent shape. minus normal skate damage. My K3's in white and royal would still be skateable if the air bubble hadn't popped.

    I'd pay a whole lot for some DC Howard 1's or Kovars.

  7. this section of youwillsoon is absolutely brilliant. dude knows what's up! esp. when he talks about the flick on koston2's, unparalleled :)

    Aw yea. I think I have my shoegooed pair in green and grey in my trunk.

  8. probably the same one i picked up when i was there for the pro contest.

    actually, i think the only mags i have are from tampa skatepark... tho my friend has many years worth of transworld and big brother mags hes selling for cheap at his record shop... may pick those up... wont help me keep up(since they are 90s) but will be cool reading.

    If there are any of those big brothers that you don't want, I will pay $$$. Best magazine ever.

  9. Get pictures when you can.

    Also, we should walk around Austin with the cinchback sticking out of our USAs like a tail. That way we can recognize/limpwristSuFusalute each other... ....



    That's a fruity idea, so I am totally for it.

  10. So, just to let you know, I really recommend washing the USAs regularly. I had some anxiety about doing it, but now most of the starch is gone, yet the water tightened up the weave and brought back some stiffness. The vertical falling has started already too, looks gorgeous. Point being, if you like how the jeans fit after your initial wash, then cold wash them regularly. They'll bring them back to form and keep the jeans in great shape. if you must walk around with stinky pants for the sake of style, so be it, but you will be pleased with the results you get if you give them a bath.

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