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Posts posted by kennmon

  1. hrmm, just a collection of random experiences

    getting rear ended in my car by a construction van going 50mphish while i was completely stopped (not my fault) ended up skidding into the s4 in front of me because the impact was massive ( poor car :( )

    all the glass on my car got busted out, frame on the roofline bent like it was a paperclip

    i was wearing a hat which ended up in flying out the back window, of a jeep/suv so the whiplash was intense.

    dont remember anything 5 minutes after impact though, and when i try to remember being stopped and getting hit its all in slow motion, and for some reason i can see a view like i was looking backwards when i know for sure i was looking at the s4 in front of me

    my mom got some wierd calls on her cell and asked me to check it out

    called the number and the dude on the other end just went off and talked about killing some jewish dude in crazy creepy detail

    lights in the laundry room being turned on, i automatically turn off the lights when i leave the room/close the door but once in a while they are on.

    even creepier was when they were on when i returned from a multi day trip, i KNOW they were not on when i left and noone else had access.

    being at the beach with people, at night

    walking a little bit away to piss, walking back in the direction that my group was in, seeing just semi transparent large human shaped outlines down the beach, very ghastly and scary, turning around and seeing my friends are in the opposite direction.

    driving down to the poconos, seeing a deer with its rear legs chopped off, backside torn up, crawling on its belly and front legs off the road, a little bit more down the road, dude in his car with his head down on his steering wheel, nodding obviously guiltridden etc.

    strange noises from down the street at night, indescribable howls that are SCARY

    being younger (elementary school) messing around with friends outside when an OLD dude who is starving skinny and pale with super long flowing white hair rides down the street on a beat up fixie screaming "shave with a razor, razor, not scissors like your dad"

    going fishing when i was young, being stupid and casting my hook without checking behind me, got some dude in the cheek real good, luckily he was chill and let it slide, so close to his eye

    riding my bike real late at night when even the big/busy roads are empty, seeing glowing marble sized balls on the horizon that seem to be in pairs, spaced like human eyes but absolutely no other features

  2. If I had the money, I would buy a better one. I'd buy a 5D instead of my 450D. I'd buy a golden toiletseat, if I had the money. But I was answering mis' question (1. Not too expensive, about $200 tops) and I think the series I suggested would be a better choice, certainly for someone who's just getting started shooting polaroid and probably isn't going to use it that much.

    The years and numbers are exaggerations, and, yes, I find your bitchy-ass way of posting snobby. (do some research first.duh)

    golden toiletseats afaik offer no real benefits over plastic or w/e ones.

    stupid analogy

  3. wanting pc sync and manual exposure among other things for someone who uses manual cameras and has photographic knowledge is snobbish?

    why wont it be usable in 2 years?

    who says they all cost 500?

    (yes, im baiting you with those questions since i know the answers and you are wrong.)

  4. Too expensive for polaroids. You should get a 100, 250, 350 or 450. (these were the high-end models, are all essentially thesame, where the 450 has the most options, but all have a metal body instead of plastic and are generally better than the other packfilm models) they sell for +/- $30

    Question for polaroid experts: how did this guy get these edges and intense waves? looks absolutely stunning. http://flickr.com/photos/pierrehebert/2400692740/in/photostream/

    nah, automatic exposure pack cams are weak

    thats why i suggested good ones, do some research first.

    and long exposure/full scanned 665, duh.

  5. 600 film isnt difficult to find, but seeing as though it is discontinued and prices are going up, it may deter you

    thats what most people have in mind when they think of polaroids, so if you are going for that, be disappointed.

    if you are looking into packfilm, the future isnt as grim

  6. actually since im eating breakfast now and have some time, ill give you a thorough critique

    first and foremost -

    a photo can be like a car

    if its really good at one thing, other flaws can be excused

    such as a car that can go really fast, but might not be the most comfortable, or a car that is exceedingly comfortable but slow and handles like a boat.

    if a photo is able to do one thing extremely well, other flaws can be excused, but 99% of the time photos just suck.

    your photos are grey, grey grey.

    no contrast, no blocked out whites and blacks that should be there when you are shooting bw.

    photographs can be easily judged by laymen simply based on the fact that they may/may not be pleasing to look at.

    your first one, is it enjoyable to look at? no at all.

    the second one, more of the same crap.

    the tonal range is really bad on both, again, lack of contrast and in the first there are wierd blown out areas.

    compositionally, the first is absolutely boring and messy, there is no central subject, nor does the whole scene work as a subject.

    in the second, im wondering is a picture of a house? a picture of a bball game? either way there is no main focus, and no broad pleasing subject.

    there are tons of other small nitpicks, but i am too lazy to write them all out.

    dont use this as an excuse to upgrade from w/e cam you are using, its not the camera, its you.

  7. hes just a faggot

    he acts like hes big in the photog threads and talks down on everyone... Just neg him and move on.... He has such an ego hes immune to any insults or competent reasoning

    its the internet, am i supposed to go waaaah over stupid insults and "competent reasoning"?

    show me this reasoning?

    and when it comes to gear and photo critique im honest and truthful, sometimes brutally so

    what ends up happening is people get offended when i correct their technical shit and offer my frank opinions and feelings about a photo.

    saying your white balance sucks for example is honest and helpful critique - it tells someone to work on their wb etc

  8. the photos from that girl that i saw when i flipped through quickly that i liked (run on) all mostly have the indescribable film photo characteristics that keep me still using film avidly with frequency and incredbile delightedness at the results which are most enjoyable and cause much jubilation

  9. ^then be useful, show off some of that photo expertise, and explain it.

    if im wrong its because the internets mislead me. i have no other knowledge about nor experience with the technique.

    these were both taken with tilt-shift lenses and they both look like miniatures, so sue me..



    not trying to be mean, but you mislead yourself...

    and i would sue you if possible, but it is not so meh

    go back to the wiki page you got those pics from, and you will see that they were faked (not taken with a tilt shift lens)

  10. dont think i am really. never fought in my life. just because your names ross doesnt make you any less of dumb cunt for doing that. you saying a maybach tattoo is a good idea?

    i wouldnt, but he did, and i could care less what people want to tat on their own bodies, whether it be a corporate symbol or a cock

  11. let me call the waaaaahmbulance, help isnt always nice or polite

    and if by contribute you are talking about photos, im not gonna post random subpar shit everyday and expect people to be cool with it

    and if you "idc" about my being "hard shit" at photography or not, why even bring it up?

  12. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm getting really sick of seeing all these disgusting attempts at Ferran Adria-biting bullshit. I would spit this in the chef's face.

    for serious, it looks like shit amongst other things

    you cant just make everything into a foam or alginate, and then claim to be as innovative as the innovators

  13. refrigerating film is good, freezing film is not. if your freezer is to cold it can fuck up the emulsion as much as being in heat

    haha proof?

    because whatever you are gonna come up with out of your ass, i have 10x more experience etc that says you are wrong.

  14. I shot and x-pro'd 120 film in photo class senior year of high school (I'm 22 now...do the math) I didn't just pick up a holga from Urban Outfitters and claim lomographer status like a large majority of heads are doing nowadays. Seagulls are super fun, not really a lomo camera (not like a supersampler or some shit) it's actually a super cheap hassleblad knock off made in china I believe. Fun, cheap.

    you believe wrong, if you are talking about seagull tlr's

    and besides, you can get a mammy or yashy tlr for the price that the decent seagulls go for

    "heads" these days love getting analraped by lomo for shitty film and shittier cameras

    omgz, u are teh og of xpro.

  15. i've asked before and i'll ask again. what bike should i buy for under $500? it's my first one.

    you need to do your own research, and when it comes time to ask questions, ask ones that can be answered

  16. anyone on here play around with lomo type shit? (holgas, seagulls and other assorted shit-quality but fun medium format cameras?) I've been fucking around with x-processing quite a bit as of late, I'll post some shit once I scan it.

    probably, there are a bunch of easily trendable hipster types on here.

    holgas are fun, but the other lomo shit is wack and terribly overpriced for the faddish crap that it is.

    x-pro bores me too, even though ive done alot of it and still do

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