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Posts posted by kennmon

  1. size 30 in dior 19cm

    size 30-31 in nudies

    i dont mind a skinnier, but not way tight fit

    f301 - flathead

    what size is reccomended?

    i will be doing a soak right off the bat before i wear.

  2. quick q.

    is a cable release the thing you use to do self portraits? i hate using the timer cuz you cant do autofocus just right with a timer.

    sp's are lame.

    use pocketwizards for remote stuff.

    cable releases for what kinda cam?

  3. Dee eighty is good

    Do not listen to kenmon

    He's Canon fanboy

    learn to spell my name

    who do you think you are man?

    shut the fuck up please

    canon fanboy huh?

    where the fuck did you get that

    drink poison and die

  4. Having the Olympics in China is an absolute disgrace.

    The IOC stood by and let China literally bulldoze homes and businesses to make way for the Olympic games.

    China's stance on Human Rights, freedom of the press, and other political issues make them an extremely poor choice for Olympic host.

    get off your high horse, we are all guilty

  5. 400degreez_front.jpg

    soundtrack 4 cookin.

    didnt feel like setting up our nice big grill, so had to do it ghetto style.

    lump charcoal makes everything taste so good.

    chicken was marinated in a spicy smoked chile/lime/garlic sauce

    put it on a tortilla and it was like mmmmmmmm.


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