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Posts posted by jet

  1. Had djarum blacks every so often for a few years and I'm pretty sick of the taste. Now I just want a plain smoke every so often.

    Get some cohiba cigarillos, those are the real niceys but not the dominican ones in cohiba stores here which are garbage. I once had three in a row and they burn slow like cloves but hands down the best tasting smoke.

  2. I don't have any pics whiz and I'm not even sure but I thought I heard one of the security guys say something about it (was too busy getting drunk). There were what seemed like a few pro photographers there and some coverage so I'm sure pics should be popping up soon.

    Martin was spotted doing lines in the bathroom and fleeing to the rooftop with a mysterious female. I met the art director from NY and he said he's met Martin several times. I asked him if it was him in spy pics floating around and he confrimed it, don't know how much truth there was to that. He says dude just likes to lay low like he's hiding from one-time.

  3. Went to the opening party last night and it was kinda nice. Lots of booze and hor'derves endlessly going around. The parking lot was covered in white astroturf with a couple large truckes draped in white sheets as well. Small cushions and glass tables set up outside with a little 4 person orchestra and music playing throughout the store. The two sides of the building are covered in sequins and there were images/videos being projected onto one side. I would have invited a couple of the guys but it was invite/list only but after I was there it seemed like it was only being selectively enforced. Also, some of the new york employees flew in, why I don't know. Store is definitely worth a visit, it's on little santa monica at the edge of bev hills.

  4. Cas don't listen to these supergays get the ma coat that shit's a bargain!!! It gets plenty cold (low 50s) to wear that shit. I remember it was fuckin freezing last winter when it was in the 40s, thought my nuts were going to fall off.

    PS. Time for some nice wool or cash socks too!

  5. In the past I used to say I wouldn't wear certain colors. I refused to wear red especially along with greens and browns. I had never owned a red shirt and when I did finally buy one I wore it twice before getting rid of it. I then realized that it was because I never saw the right shades of these colors I despised.

    Now, when I see something that instantly appeals to me colorwise in a style I like I will then consider it. I believe you should challenge yourself (stylistically and color-wise) sometimes while retaining the things that make your style all your own. You'll often times find some of your favorite articles of clothing are the ones you didn't love at first but which you grew to love.

  6. Man, it's 100 degrees in Sept! I think we're gonna be lucky to wear sweaters this winter....sucks!

    I know man I been indoors all day hahahaa.

    Dude, you're in SoCal, you don't need a fucking parka, you're just looking for one because you probably love outerwear so stop bullshitting yourself, i'd say you'll wear any parka you buy 2 times top, unless you travel a lot to cold climates.

    Consider my dreams shattered.

    PS. It hit high 30s here one time last year :eek:

  7. I did, quality is very good for the price point and I respect the idea of presenting a more fashion forward approach to a mid-market brand, something that definitely fills a void in the american designer landscape. If you're mostly a customer of high-end labels though you might find the finition/detailing to be inferior that what you're usually looking for, although Geller can't be faulted for that, it just means you might not be part of the target market. I tried on the jacket with elastic sleeves and bottom ($425=great price), and would have liked the jacket to be longer (it basically ends at my beltline). I'm still unsure if they just changed the design between prototyping and producing or just released two versions of the jacket.

    Would you say it's a good weight for socal, mouko mentioned it had a removable lining and thus was the case. I like it, just don't know how much yet and I want a nice parka without dropping a ton of money on one since I like jackets more.

  8. Oh nice! I wish that beanie came in a no cuff version, I like the knit a lot!

    I hate cuffed beanies but I love this one, it's not a thick (material-wise) cuff. I have a grey bless one from last year that doesn't have a cuff and that's my fav.

    Thanks Fooma.

  9. i hate you


    Jet- Is that a scarf on the bottom or pants? I can't tell...

    The sweater looks nice.

    Sorry gg, I left the desc in another post since I was too lazy to post a pic. It's a scarf, wool on one side, satin on the other. Also comes in a creamy, yes creamy, beige also. Here's the jacquard knit texture of the beanie, same one as on brown's.


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