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Charlie Delta

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Posts posted by Charlie Delta

  1. Could you please make that yellow and more cotton(the material)-looking for me?

    And there was no rudeness involved in me not getting anything, I know who sent to me and I genuinely belief that it got lost somewhere along the way and told him that there was no real need for superexpensive shipping it again especially as he had to resent it once already.

    So, maybe only a little sad about how things worked out...?

    Not angry or disappointed, that's for sure!

    Oh, and edit:

    seems like we are still missing quite a lot of pictures from people who did recieve!


  2. Was back and working after I woke up this morning,

    then it showed this:


    And now it's back to the "renew this domain" page.

    Also, bookmarklet has been acting up for me alot recently, showing internal server errors...

    Seems like the systems are just getting clogged...


  3. i'm confused about the denim on these - it makes no sense! i know that the warp/weft was swapped, but shouldn't they be indigo on the inside? the inside looks like the inside of normal jeans and the outside looks even more white. but there's still indigo threads mixed in there, and blue is popping out in weird places... what's going on?! someone break this down for me...

    Break it down like in this post?

    My explanation for the backside of the denim looking just like normal denim is that when you look at the backside of any denim, what's noticeable are 2 fairly similar diagonal lines, one being the warp (normally indigo) and the other the weft (normally white). Having swapped those doesn't all of a sudden change something in the weave, it just swaps the colours of the yarn. But, when looking at the back those look very similar anyway, so it still looks like the backside of any regular denim.

    Makes perfect sense!

  4. Thanks all, for the nice responses!

    Pete is correct in that I made the hat myself, but it;s not Wild Child, I just made it under my own name. Please forgive the botched stitching...

    Slightly modified my PS-09md's and VS-09 today, just small things. Stitched down the corners of the cargo pockets on the pants, and added a flap over the iPhone pocket on the vest, to prevent my phone from going flying...

    Pics of which will follow.

    Also, Rocco, I've been wearing my CPO EVERYDAY since Nov. 6th and recently gave it it's first machine wash.

    Pics soon!

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