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Everything posted by unders

  1. I had the same happen with a fairly new pair of LVC 33s, when cinching them real tight. The LVC shop, despite being named Cinch, couldn’t replace it.
  2. unders


    Really like this one @silencejoe. Expect the leather will age really nicely with the jacket.
  3. @81FXR You’re right, LVC have done ‘proper’ women’s ranges int he past, rather than a token one or two models.
  4. @81FXR I think LVC are running the 701 at the moment: https://www.levi.com/US/en_US/levis-vintage-clothing/levis-vintage-clothing-for-women/1950s-701-womens-jeans/p/507010036 edit: actually, looking at the silhouette pictures of these, they don’t fit the bill - look very tapered which I wouldn’t expect from a 50s model (but I’m no expert on women’s fits).
  5. unders


    Haven’t worn them much since the last time I posted them @shredwin_206 The arcuates are disintegrating which looks kinda cool
  6. unders


    @chicote’s mention of a 333 repro in the TCB contest thread reminded me to post this. Just screen grabs from Masaki Fujiki’s instagram stories a few weeks back, but he tends to post items (clues?) a couple of seasons before WH repro them, maybe from buying trips. I could be totally wrong and he might just like them and so shared them. Anyway, my fingers are crossed.
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