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Posts posted by swooc

  1. yeah he will help you ask for free. but i would only ask if its really neccessary. it would give me the shits if a bunch of people kept asking me answers that are shown or stupid questions and having only 2-3 people going through with an actual purchase.

  2. looking for wide thigh, small hem, pleated trousers. any suggestions? im thinking of buying those cloak trousers in supermarket and taper them but i like to see their are other options.

    i know yohji and cdg make them, but im worried the thighs may be a tad too wide? anyone own a pair and want to comment?

  3. just recieved the cheapo pl30's in the mail. if anyone is interested, first impression is the bass is quite heavy (coming from someone who likes technical and fast bass eg sony's sa-5k sound signature). the sound is very musical and warm though just a tad muddy for my ears. it doesn't really have the seperation of higher end headphones and i would have prefered a bit more treble as the bass and midrange kind of drowns it out. i cant compare these to expensive IEMs since ive never used them, but ive used all the popular cheap earbuds like the creative, jvc, sennheisers etc and these are definately alot better imo. for 20 bucks, these are excellent value to the point that you would be an idiot for not buying a pair.

    update: ive burned them in for 12 hours now. the treble has opened up and the sound is alot more balanced. i also had the bass knob set on deep bass which is why i thought the buds were bass heavy from my first impression. changing it to the clear bass setting, the difference is very minor but it does help the overall balance and tightens the bass. seperation is a tad better as well but still has that muddiness quality from my first impressions.

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