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Posts posted by swooc

  1. last time i was at sydney assin i saw a rack of undercover. i think i saw the knit/blazer combo in a charcoal size 3. it was on special too, around 900 bucks?

    there's really not much in pieces. the only thing cool i remember seeing was a number nine piece (cardigan or shirt i forgot).

  2. i've checked out the old man brands but they were all too big for me. american apparel has a pretty basic one, but its a tad too short for me. i also have a feeling every second dude i walk past will be wearing the same swimmers.

    i'll have to go check out tuchuzy.

    this burberry looks pretty clean. i like the subtle trim. slant pockets as well! sizes are too big though :(.

  3. has clarks ever made those brown colour with a dark brown sole? i saw an old dude rocking a pair in that colour but with a dark brown sole.

    thinking about it i don't even think they were clarks. they had 3 lace holes. but damn they look good.

  4. have apc changed where they source the denim or changed their sizing structure recently? the new cures i bought arn't vanity sized and i'm experiencing little stretch compared to my pair of new standards i owned about 3 yrs ago.

    having said that, i'm starting to think the stretch associated with APC denim is a little exagerated. most people don't really know what their true waist is and often compensate by measuring a little larger. in the end the jeans stretches maybe 1 to 1 1/2 inches and they think its stretched beyond 3 - 4 sizes too big. this was the case with me when i had my new standards.

  5. i didn't say i can't return them.

    it is much easier for me to sell them and buy a new pair. but still troublesome nonetheless.

    i just measured the waist and compared to context's measurements (which i used as reference) it measures 3" smaller. wtg.

    fuck it. i'm determined. i'm going to stretch this bitch out.

  6. you probably don't want to see a fit pic unless you want to see my undies :o. as for tightness, everything is snug but not suffocating. it's only the waist that i don't see any amount of stretch can save.

    fuck i really can't be bothered selling them and buying another pair.

  7. my NC came in the mail today. tried them on and i can only button the first button. did i get a little carried away with sizing down? i've owned a pair of NS before and i know they stretch considerably, but damn i feel no amount of stretch can save me with these NC.

    keep them or upsize?

  8. anybody fluent/lingual in french or japanese able to help me out with this dinner menu?

    i'm going to take a stab with it with my beginners french.

    le jambon de jabugo - spanish ham

    le homard - lobster from maine with fresh salad

    la chataigne - caramalised foie gras with veloute sauce in chestnut soup (or celery broth i think? not too sure with this one).

    l'aubergine - eggplant and pasta cooked with preserved tomatoes, topped with spanish ham and parmesan

    le saint-pierre - specially grilled mushrooms cooked in butter topped with gravy. vegetables drizzled in olive oil on the side.

    la bavette de boeuf - beef (steak?) with salad on the side and mash potatos with truffles.

    pre dessert - puredeseru? pre-dessert?

    la figue - fresh figs with cheese mousse and grapefruit campari

    le cafe express - various small sweets

    alot of it is how the food is prepared. having zero knowledge in cooking i'm not too familiar with some of the terms used. let me know if i got them right!

    edit: ah fuck fumma beat me to it. oh well good practice.

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