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Posts posted by swooc

  1. i've got the 28mm and yeah it is soft wide open. has quite a bit of ca as well. though compared to the 35mm on a crop, i prefer the wider 28mm length. plus, usm is somewhat important to me.

  2. i have been following the other thread. looking at pictures of other dior belts (not specifically the double wrap), the retailers that do take photos at all angles have shown a dior stamp on the belt itself. but the reason why i'm leaning more towards turkey here is because zomnia and randr both have first hand experience of belts without the stamp. you should follow other peoples suggestions by posting good quality pictures of the belt you have, both belt and buckle.

  3. this is what both of you should consider.

    turkey refunds only the extra shipping charges given that the package was really from singapore (i'm still not exactly sure wtf it was sent from lol). the full refund should be put on hold for the mean time. i'm leaning more towards turkey here because he has shown that the belt is indeed authentic and that side to me seems stronger between the two.

    the box, turkey should send it to him. esteliv did ask for the box twice. communication must have been lost in that period between the first payment request and esteliv's cold feet/lowball/ or whatever you want to call it.

    a full refund should only be made if the belt is deemed to be fake. turkey should be a man and give him the word that he will provide a full refund if the evidence is strong i.e. a dior store (several if possible) to help authenticate it. technically he has already done that, but at the this point i don't think esteliv will give him the benefit of doubt. if it is a fake, only then should turkey refund the full amount plus cover the shipping charges. of course before he does that, the belt and everything that came with it is returned first.

  4. ah, so the belt was bought in sydney but shipped from singapore? if that's the case, then i question your practice as a seller. you were a little angry that he dogged and tried to low ball you, fair enough. but remember, you did accept the offer of $250 and asked for an extra charge of $35 for shipping. this implies you are okay with the price and it's fair to say most people will assume a charge of $35 shipping will not be local. what you should had done was decline his offer, or sell it at the price of $250 + the accurate shipping charge.

  5. it's a little hard to tell, but he might actually be in sydney at the moment. is the latest pm in the first link assigned to an ip from sydney or singapore?

    as for the tracking info showing where he shipped it from, it might be because the package is only trackable once it hits the parcel's country of destination. i remember there's a shipping option from auspost which has that tracking limitation. but in all the cases i've experienced, tracking always shows the 'entered customs' point. then of course there's that 3SGD sticker lol. i'm not trying to defend the guy, but if you have a picture of the shipping bag with all the details i.e customs declaration and the ip showing where that last msg is from, you will have concrete evidence to show this guy was taking you for a ride.

    edit: wait, i think it was tracking limited to the parcel's country origin destination. if so, ignore my second paragraph :o.

  6. update: AUS post confirmed the Dude seems legit, just...not very organized. Having your house destroyed will do that to you, but still, I just don't get it.

    he was interested in my julius knit a few months back. communication back then was quite poor aswell. supposedly he is a busy man, but i don't know what he does that makes him THAT busy. it's not hard to take 5 mins out of your day to quickly answer messages.

  7. gf1 or epl-2? i want the pana 20mm which comes with the gf1 in a packaged deal. i also like the look and feel of the panasonic body better. epl-2, i like that it goes upto 6400iso, have IS, and a nicer EVF. but i'll have to put more effort into selling the kit lens and purchase the 20mm separately.

    fuck, so hard to decide.

  8. I have a bump on the center back of my head...also ran into another Chinese dude that had the same shit. Do you happen to be Chinese? Wondering if this has anything to do w/ genetics or if it is byproduct of my hitting the back of my head pretty hard (prob did this a lot when I was younger/rambunctious)

    yeah im chinese. my bump is near the top right of my skull which im certain it was because of the alcohol. i lost a bucket load of blood that night. its probably not that bad. i dont think it will be noticeable if i did a 3 all over.

  9. checked out harrold's today. a nice cdg selection. they have the boiled polyester jacket in navy that i've been wanting for ages but it was in a large. good to see balmain upclose, the suede rider is baller. didn't see any julius, but there was alot of shellac for super inflated prices. the blistered moto was $4k, wtf. most of the streetwear pieces are large/50.

  10. i've got a paypal question. paypal AU doesn't seem to have the confirm address feature. if a seller in the US does accept your unconfirmed address, do they still have full seller protection? this would apply to us as well if we want to accept payment from a country that also doesn't have the confirm address feature.

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