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Posts posted by Tenchi
Hahaha pants
xcoldricex, how do they feel?
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Evisus are pretty showy and stuff
But Samurais seem like the better quality one
I like my evisus anyway
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Translation^^: "After 2 years wear and wash every 2 month~ this is first time goes to,2 which Hong Kong buys; At that time because did not have own SIZE (W30 after) therefore was only easy to buy closest W33, to return to TW with the hot water which boiled the skin sign to reduce but indirectly grasps the waist cotton material has wrinkled 2 吋 therefore could put on, after several years discovered this was the very stupid method is very easy to be able entire to make broken the skin sign therefore surely did not study me, ha ha"
Err no idea but damn thats a nice pair 非常好
How did you wash them? 您怎麼洗滌了他們?
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Looks good
Is that a Canon 35mm L?
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Was kinda warm and stuff. Glad didn't wear my Evisus due to an ensuing water fight
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Noob, he has no idea what starching does either http://men.style.com/gq/fashion/styleguy/pants/389
"I am not familiar with this aberrant trend. It doesn’t sound like a cowboy look to me. I wouldn’t want to spend time in the saddle after fortifying my dungarees with a whole can of starch. Maybe it’s a NASCAR thing, as that starchiness might afford some protection in the event the General Lee crashes. I once had to go to anger management so as not to fire a housekeeper for creasing my jeans. Ironing them was bad enough. Jeans should not be creased—and starching them is overkill. Dressing down should stay down."
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Does anyone have any info on this brand? Did a search and didn't find much
Does any know if they're any good...contemplating on getting a pair...
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^^ they haven't been sanforized or preshrunk un like the no.2s
I think its the same materials just different treatment, so it should be a bit slubbier
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Wow theres quite a few people from sydney here...
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I thnk the 2000 is a more regular fit compared to the silimmer 2001
I got some sz28 0101s no.1s and they were likea 34-36 to start off with. after a soak they shrunk like hell down to about 31 and even more after a minor wash.
So they'll shrink quite a bit, if you still wanna try it a raw as possible, try just soaking part of it
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Levi's MexiProfit scheme.
Steal from the hobos and see how much profit you can make.
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For a bit of variety
they're only like about a month old i think
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tenchi, i work in the city, ill pick em up for you if you want. i know their 260 cause i was down there the other day. hit me up on sneakerfreaker if you need help.
lol sup robbeec
Yeh its cool and all but I've gotta check out the fit and stuff, so I might do it in the holidays (couple of weeks left)
Them No.1 specials
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Edit: sorry i'll keep it in another thread
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Yeh I might get some imperials but i've gotta go to the city and stuff which I have almost no time to do so. (nudies i can get coz its nearby by in parramatta)
I'll post some pics of the evisus in the before and after section
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Cool thanks, yeh selvage is nice, got some evisus No.1s and stuff
But if anyone out there has any personal experiences with the non-selvage Nudie lmk. And does anyone know which one stays shinier for longer? I'm not sure if the selvage will affect the sheen due to its bumpiness.
And yeh dunno where to find APCs in Aus...
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I wanna get some nudies soon, but am not sure. What is the actual difference between the fabric types?
Is the selvage line just purely for aesthetics?
The thing is, if they're the same type or fabric, I might as well get the non-selvage version as I'm not exatly planning on wearing them cuffed.
Yep yep I've serached and stuff but its still kinda hard to clarify here..
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"Cheap things never good, good things never cheap" -Mr. SK
Its worth it to spend the extra money man.
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Oh yeh and something kinda nooby...mine says lot 0101...which I dont seem to find anywhere else.
Is this a different model or the same thing as the 200x series?
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Hey guys..been a passive obsrver most of the time
I got some Evisu No.1 Specials...where the jerky patch says Special No.1 and its got the real selvedged stuff
I know what No.1 means but I'm just not sure about the Special bit. Anyone know what it is?
And shrinking...The thighs are nice and relaxed but could use a little more shrinkage. Are they meant to be baggy?
And when soaked, the run off was this weird yellow with slight tinge of blue. I used raw sugar as a starch on a different pair and came out as the same colour. Could it be possible this is they use raw sugar for raw denim?
thx guys
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Oh waist should be fine....forgot to say i wanted the legs to be wider as I'm not comfortable with the tighter legged stuff
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Hey guys...new to the boards...
i was wonderng if its possible to make a pair of Edwin 505Sxs larger?
i'm a 30/31 and a friend got me a 29 instead which is kinda messed up...nice pair and stuff...just too small
Shoes that look better with age...
in superdenim
Are these bad?...(no i'm not the super hyped up SB-ZOMG-LIMITED EDITION kind of person) I just wear what i like
I've got those casual leather shoes but they're a pain to wear. The thin ankle walls kinda cut into my ankles...guess its coz i try to run all the time
^^Those high cut boots with crazy stitching look pretty cool anyway