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Posts posted by jl3969

  1. also, went to 4 real and nigo's party... got some free swag. whooooppeeeee!! coin holder!


    nigo was spinning all night. open bar was legit.

    i keep reading about how tiny that club was. exactly how small is it? the pictures looked like a good time.

  2. Jester East. Haven't started to hate it yet. I hear that prison rumor too. We have a Jester crazy man, Barry White [really], who hangs around the DSA looking for aderol now, too.


    yea i lived in Jester East top floor last year. you might not hate it, its not really that horrible but i just got really sick of eating J2 and just the interior and swiping my ID at night. i think it was mainly J2. i still ate it cause i wasn't picky and already paid for, but damn if it wasn't some of the worst food. fucking 'steak' night.

  3. japs are not the sickest fuckers in the world. the germans are the original innovators.

    btw, what is your racial/ethnic background? thanks.

    i am a chinaman. hence my bias against the japs. it also annoys me how the rest of the chinaman are so ready to treat the ball sweat of the japs as some divine godly nectar. like sushi. i think sushi is dumb but i understand thats just my opinion. but how the fuck can they charge more to NOT cook your food? youd think that shit was free by the way chinaman in hong kong will line up for 2 hours on a monday night to eat expensive uncooked food.

    i think somebody should nuke the japs just to keep them in check for good measure. make sure they dont get any ideas.

  4. i don't really like japs. they make cool products, but they're also the sickest fuckers in the world. who else would make anime tentacle porn?

    gooks are just bastard children of the japs and the chinaman. and pretty much everybody is a bastard child of chinaman.

    taiwan is not a real country and never will be. people who claim to be taiwanese and not chinese are like people who claim to be californian and not american. they look the same, they use the same language, they need to quit bitchin.

    the rest of the asian countries are pretty much used for cheap vacation spots whenever crackers need to feel superior in 'exotic'.

    on another note, asian girls must have the lowest self esteem when it comes to race. surgery to get double eye lids?!

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