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Posts posted by jl3969

  1. thats only if you dont know how to play cash games

    multi-tabling 50 cent - dollar allowed my friend to drop out of college cause he avg 800-1000 a day playing 6-7 hrs. it does take a lotta work though. if you half ass at all, youll never be a winning player.

  2. i cant hate on jonas and ben baller. although he's biting nigo's steez pretty hard as asian dude with streetwear clothing line wearing ridiculous jewels.

    a couple million dollars worth of gold and diamonds is the perfect compliment to the ugliest all denim lrg canadian tuxedo in the world.

  3. funny, ive always hated koreans. well not real hate, but ive always made fun of them since i was young when i didnt even know any korean people. one of my good friends is korean and i definitely asked him if he knew the v-tech shooter. he said no though. if i ever go to seoul im staying with his grandpa cause apparently he owns the samsung building or something? nigga loaded.

    anyways thats my krn story.

  4. just got done watching the hills 'finale'

    i think normal tv writers could shove everything that happened this season into one or two episodes. 'reality' is boring but i cant stop watching. i really like that the hills is made by a 30 yr old white guy

  5. yea she does. maybe its just her eyes.

    newest episode is way better than the thanksgiving one. although im not a fan of the love triangles. id rather them just fuck around all the time than have feelings.

  6. rufus is a fucking moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i hate the parents on this show. they be boring and slow down everything. especially that horrible football montage at the end of 1x09.

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