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Posts posted by jl3969

  1. This really doesn't belong in supertrash because it's far too awesome for that. But nonetheless, in case you d-bags were too busy jacking it to crotch shots of dudes in random japanese jeans, here's what's really important. Priorities, people.

    Here is the entire broadcast of the 2006 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

    (pt 1)

    (pt 2)

    (pt 3)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXuW9oPre90 (pt 4)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDpXjkcaN0U (pt 5)

    and here is a whole gang of pics: http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/9583920.html

    Now for the task at hand:

    1) pick your favorite - this should be easy, everybody has a favorite

    2) rank the rest - this is fucking hard

    You're welcome.

  2. that is the question. i figure theres not much i wouldn't do for a million bucks.

    a couple things came to mind: 1)killing family and close friends, 2)incestuous behavior of any sort

    and thats about it. so what won't you folks do for a million?

    bonus question: would you take the offer of playing russian roulette with half the chambers loaded for a million? if that isn't high enough, what would be the lowest amount that you would accept this offer?

  3. what's wrong with buying whatever the hell you want if you can? i guess i'd be bitter too if i had only a fraction of mayer's bank account and haven't gotten pussy in years. both of which are much much more important than knowledge of 'cool guy' gear or being apart of bullshit underground communities. they're just products, putting so much faith into 'cool' brands is truly fucktarded.

  4. man there are some delusional people. bashing john mayer cause he likes cool things and has the money to buy it, but praising edison chen for doing the same - that makes a lot of sense. at least john mayer can string together coherent sentences.

    even better, praising pete doherty because he 'lives the lifestyle'. yes, crack is quite a lifestyle.

    when did everybody become huge giant blabbering vaginas with such personal attachment to celebrities and what they do? is john mayer supposed to start every blog entry with an apology to retarded fanboys everywhere?

    maybe its just that time of the month...

  5. two brains fucking are still two brains fucking. priceless metaphor or not.

    and i wasnt attacking your purchases, just wondering the need to somehow justify buying some striped T's, regardless of the maker. get off the high horse. industry leeches... i dont think their shit even has logos on it for christ's sake.

  6. why do people on the board always feel the need to justify buying something basic and simple from Gap or BR, but not when they pay 70 bucks for a tshirt with two brains fucking?

    i just have trouble grasping.

    i also bought 10 30mg of adderall for finals week.

  7. i like how this forum debates the merits of peoples' purchases. i thought this was just a place for sharing all the cool shit in the world. not the moral dilemmas involved in owning a completely ballin lambo.

    like any of you people would seriously turn down a lamborghini. gimme a break.

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