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Posts posted by Becks23

  1. soccer players what boots do u rock? i play competitive rugby, but i play some pickup futbol whenever.

    turf, hard grass = nike legends

    wet, soft grass = predator mania's. yeah, i ball hard

    Manias were a really good boot.

    But all time favorite is still the Predator Accelerator

  2. Popular clubs




    -Yumla (creative community seems to like to come here)



    Last two are really local. It's hard to get into the first 3 even if you try to pay your way in sometimes, best to have hook ups.

    HK clubbing sucks, ass to ass packed, expensive drinks, girls don't put out etc etc.

  3. thanks for the advice. a friend of mine used to do these apparently...my neighbors are going to think i'm crazy, haha.

    Another one is increase and demand...

    You start by jogging the perimeter... once you hit the corner you started off, you sprint that length... so basically it looks like

    -full perimenter

    -sprint 1 side / jog 3 other sides

    -sprint 2 sides / jog 2 other sides

    -sprint 3 sides / jog 1 side

    -full sprint of the perimeter

    Obviously you're bagged by the end and its' not really a sprint but a brisk pace.

  4. Every Tuesday back in University was 6 in 36 day...

    set up a grid, 40 yards long, marked every 10 yards. Do a shuttle run in under 36 seconds with a 36 second rest. Repeat 6 times. It's not really a sprint but it's not a jog either.

  5. yo can any of you soccer players give me any advice with anaerobic exercises. been trying to get conditioned for soccer and having never played on a team i'm a little clueless. cheers.

    What's your general fitness level to begin with?

  6. I watched a similar video with the US WNT... I think they had to turn on the flood flights they were there that long... oh yeh and they were hitting it from the 18 haha.

    I guess strikers have no need to hit a long ball, but I would have expected better from the GKers, hitting deadballs are their life.

  7. Ugh, I'm getting sick of reading all this bitching and moaning about how terrible the ref was. Seriously, Chelsea fans. You're conveniently forgetting about the red card given to Barca. You also seem to think that because two decisions that could have gone either way came out in favor of the other team, there is some sort of UEFA conspiracy against the EPL (and we all know hand ball decisions are notoriously inconsistent in UEFA football, which is something the UEFA should really look at. the rules are not exactly crystal clear).

    What you REALLY should be concerned about is the fact that your players are an absolute disgrace to the sport, Drogba and Ballack in particular. There is no excuse for their behavior. Even if the ref gave your entire team a red card for farting too loud, there is no excuse for such behavior. Add to that the fact that Drogba falls like a sack of potatoes whenever a defender breaks wind within a 20 foot radius of him, and you have only yourselves to thank.

    The ref most certainly did not have had the best day on the job, but he stood up to a field full of primadonna players talking back and trying to influence every decision. That alone is commendable.

    Lastly, 180 minutes of defending, even if the defending rivals that of the spartans at thermopylae, still makes for shit football.

    That is all. Thank you for your attention.

    Unless you're put into that very situation, I think it's hard to comment really. This isn't a Sunday kick-around, this is the coming together of pretty much your whole life and of course you will become emotional when you feel it has unjustly been taken away from you.

    I think that yes they are "professionals" and with it comes the necessary action of being a roll-model, but we all slip up, physical and mentally.

  8. Usually I have a foam square (with velcro on the corners) which can be folded neatly as a package.

    But those in humid locations (me included) are told to invest in a dehumidifier.

  9. It doesn really work that way in HK largely cause of rent issues.

    You don't have the luxury of opening up your own retail space due to the price of rent. As well, the ultra-trend driven population won't touch brands unless there is already some large hype or association with a brand. Neither help each other out.

    Good brands are swallowed by the likes of IT, Harvey Nichols, Lane Crawford etc while smaller, lesser known albeit just as good brands or emerging brands don't have an outlet.

    There is a GDSLABS store in CWB that just opened up, their shit is all over the place in terms of brand roster, but they might have the money, potential and connects it seems.

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