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Posts posted by Becks23

  1. if anyone has a pair of the S/S 2008 llamo folks (fbt or hockney) and worn them barefoot for any kind of decent distance perhaps you've noticed they give you blisters. well, the F/W 2008 hockney folks seemed to have used a suede-like insole instead of the leather one and that seemed to have cured the problem. the americana deck shoes do not have the suede insoles though.

    yes, i love the folk series.

    I've walked extensively in both Folk Lhamo/Folk Bearfoot FBT without socks and they were fine although the Folk non-Bearfoot FBTs are much more comfortable I find.

  2. Initially reports on the G10 show a lot of promise in ISO400/800 albeit compared to GX200

    "And I must admit, that I really liked it. It felt very solid, the dials gave resistance and a clear click and worked superb. The screen was pretty good, and the OVF was larger too (than the G9). I made a few photographs at ISO 400 and ISO 800 and was amazed by the details and the amount (or should I say lack) of noise. Only some noise to be spotted in darker areas, but much better than my GX200."


  3. visvim is actually pricing themselves out of the us market and rising costs of transportation (and the weak us dollar) aren't helping. you'll note that union are one of the few stores that's actually stuck with them - the rest have either dropped the brand or just stuck with the g-line. obviously if visvim had cared about / understood the us market, the g-line wouldn't be such an abomination which kind of proves my point

    I think that the creation of the G.Line played to what Visvim believed fitted the rest of the world's market but low and behold people that like Visvim from around the world, like it for what they have become accustomed too (I agree with you on G.Line being not so great). But as well, having said that, creating a G.Line on par with the rest of the collection in some ways takes away from the "specialness" of the other Japanese/Folk collections.

    I can't really comment on how Vis wants to go about things on a global level, but he seems quite content with keeping the distribution quite tight for now in terms of global outlets (i.e. FILs worldwide etc).

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