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Posts posted by Kasper

  1. that´s the trouble...in between throwing up and sipping water there´s no way I can handle food

    i think nothing can be done past a certain point, bar maybe smoking a few spiffs (works for me, but have heard of other who felt smoking made them more nauseous).

    If you are smart enough to remember (which is hit or miss for me), you need to eat something salty and drink tons of water / gatorate prior to going to bed. I never wake up during the night to have to pee, quite the opposite, i'm often surprised how little i pee the next morning considering i've had 3 gatorades right before going to sleep, but it works wonder to reduce hungover. I had a biology teacher in college that specialised in hungover "study", her teachings are probably the only thing i remember about biology.

  2. I'm curious about what weight is bagged in CAN. Dudes from Ottawa said our prices were stupid high and they can get whatever specific strains they want for 25-30, I assume that's 5g?

    Naturally, our ridiculous imperial measure made little sense to them.

    for an 1/8. Metric system hasn't really come to drug selling yet so Canadians are buying in ounce fractions although they're often referred to as gram amount rather than the fraction (3.5, 7, 14, etc)

  3. for good shit here:






    all depends on my guy/how i know them.

    this is shocking, the most i'd pay for an ounce is prolly $180 and the weed would have to be the bomb. often pay as much for an ounce as you do for a quarter......

  4. I have a Garmin watch and although it annoyingly take time to connect to the satellites at first (too many tall building around my place, need to walk ~5 min and wait in a park), it's awesome as a motivating tool. Plus i'm a numbers nerd ( work in finance concept) so i love to be able to track all my runs, see them in google earth, etc. The UI and the garmin software are pretty crap though, anyone has bought the new Nike watch? Watch looks 10x slicker than the garmin and i'd bet the software much better. The only drawback is that i generally become very focused and have a look at the watch every 2 min to check my pace, heartbeat, etc.

  5. I would like to hear some feedback from people with flat feet who have used Nike Free models or anything else related.

    A little late, but hopefully it can help. I have the flattest feet in the world. Actually, i have mildly flat feet but have crooked ankles (really wish i could remember the exact medical term) and duck feet so when standing straight, my feet are completely flat. I've always like running, but had to cut back every time i tried to do it seriously due to knee pain.

    Long story short, since reading Born to Run, changing the way i run and buying some Frees, i've seen unbelievable improvements and the knee pain is mostly gone. I've always ran with my orthodics, but was getting huge blisters so i went to see my podiatrist to get some new ones about a month ago and had a really long discussion with her on barefoot running and flat feet.

    Running barefoot generally improve foot strength and depending on the cause of your fleet feet, it can actually dramatically improve / cure your condition. However, people with some conditions (such as mine) should NEVER do long term physical activity barefoot as the flat feet cause biometrics to be completely off and it can cause other issues (mostly knee and back) so it's really important to consult a professional before dropping your orthodics. It had only been ~2 years since i did my last orthodics, but the technology seems that have evolved quite a bit and the new insole are so comfortable and light with limited (but noticeable) loss of ground feel.

    I discussed the benefit of barefoot running with my podiatrist and it's her opinion that it can have some concrete benefit for runners IF DONE RIGHT. I know there's been a million warnings about this, but it's really important to take it slowly when starting. having lived in shoe all our life, our metatarsal are just not used to get pounded so my podiatrist is seeing an explosion of plantar fasciitis caused by people how have made too aggressive switches, and these can take A LONG TIME to heal. So in summary, no problems running in minimal shoes with flat feet as long as you do it right.

  6. You can just download this from any torrent site.

    Hope this helps.


    no offence, but was it really necessary to resurrect a 6-year old thread????

  7. Been fostering a pit-bull for a couple months and she's dead scared of firework as well. Been having them like 2-3 times a week recently and she freaks out everytime, especially since some of them were set from the building across the street.....

  8. When i first heard of Google +, i just went to the website and was able to create an account just like that, really don't get why. i have been asked by like 50 ppl for invites and yet to have any...

  9. Assuming you consider India a 3rd world country still.

    I think the tap water test is the best indication of a nation progress.

    Can drink the tap water without any issue: 1st world

    Tap water taste like shit and may get you sick: developing nation

    Tap water will make you sick: 3rd world

  10. I finally applied for Nexus and had interview / got accepted real quick. Should have gotten my card 2 weeks ago, but since Canada post is on strike, i have yet to receive it and on the way back from a business trip yesterday, my flight was super delayed and landed at like 1am and there was only 2 custom officers working and had to wait like normal folks 45 min while all my coworker breezed through in 2 sec... i was home at 2 am and had a call this morning at 7. i'm not happy

  11. mrs Kasper is from Kyushu as well (she was born in Kagoshima, but raised in Nagoya) ;)

    I've been there a couple time and i kind of like it. Kagoshima is a cool, pretty laid back town. Miyazaki has some pretty good surf if you're into that

  12. My friends want to stay @ Metropark. Worth it?

    Also where to go for streetwear-vibe steez without ridiculous markups?

    Stayed there with the gf a few years back. They ugraded us to a bad ass suite for no reason other than asking to have a room on a high floor (was a student back then so it was already a pretty nice hotel for me). Loved the place, the room was really nice, the views awesome and it was walkable distance to causeway bay, bur relatively quiet around.. Great value for money

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