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Posts posted by Kasper

  1. My gf bought some dried beef penises for my dogs thinking it was really funny. it smells like rotten smegma in my apartment now, most disgusting smell ever, and i'm currently super sick and cannot taste / smell anything at the moment.....

  2. Has anyone seen any of the Peter Hook & The Light 'Closer' shows? Kinda thinking about going tomorrow and was wondering if they pull it off or not?

    Would love to know as well, i have tickets for next week-end, but i also have something at the same time and not sure which i should go to

  3. j/w but how else are you guys looking to apply for these jobs in general?

    using job search engines and applying has not yielded much result, even though it has only been 2 weeks. but it seems people like Clopek pick up new jobs so quickly--already applied in advance? are people still going out speaking with reps aside from having a connection?

    it really depend what kind of job you are looking for. In my field, pretty much everything post graduation is done through head hunters and referrals so being in good standing with recruiters is crucial (even though they're generally very slimey folks). The wider your professional network is, the most chance of have of getting an "inside track" for a job. Linkedin can help, both to connect with recruiters and keep in touch and expand your network. Being part of professional network / association can be also yield some excellent results.

    School career centers can a good place as well. Search engine can be useful, but you have to do a little extra to set yourself apart from other applicants (cold calling recruiters, HR, someone in the department that are recruiting, etc).

  4. well everytime i look for job openings, for example at national bank FG, i see the CA title being recommended for some analyst jobs

    Ok, i just checked NBF's website and they don't mention the CA for any of of real finance positions (IB and S&T) so i'm still puzzled. Finance / Accounting / Admin is not finance btw, it's the back office.

    a 4.0 from harvard seems to be the norm on wall street, while in london you can apparently still have a shot with >3.2 with some experience and internships, that's according to the alumni i spoke to

    Europeans (UK aside) generally graduate latter and often have have to do at least a full year of of internship before graduating, not to mention that most banks will generally have candidates pass a proficiency test (sort of IQ test), so i think there's truth in saying grades are slightly less important that in the US, but only to an extent. You need to start somewhere and until you actually land an internship / gain some experience, your GPA is all you have. I think you are seriously underestimating the strength and sheer number of graduates wanting to work in finance.

    That being said, 3.2 GPA ain't gonna cut it and i really don't think it's any easier to find a job in the City vs. Wall St.

  5. montreal lacks of job opportunities in finance since you practically need an accounting title to be a banker here

    While there's no denying that there's very few finance job in Montreal, i have no idea where you get the idea that being a CA is either good preparation or a requirement for banking or that it's something that bankers often have....

    pretty sure i'll be relocating to toronto/nyc/london/singapore

    i've been emailing an alumni that has been living in london since 2002 and said it was relatively easy to land a job in the city even if you aren't a 4.0 harvard graduate because english banks hires good minds, not degrees

    How do you plan to convince an English bank (or any bank for that matter) that you have "good mind" if you don't have a stellar GPA (and come from a school that they have at least heard about) when they have literally thousand of local applicants for any open position??? In this environment, you are seriously deluding yourself if you believe it'll be easy to secure a front office position, anywhere.

  6. I'm pissed off at paying Sportsnet $5 to watch Arsenal - Dortmund cause i already subscribe to all their channels at home so i have to settle for a shitty streaming in ARABIC. It's especially frustrating since my PVR uses a slingbox interface, but fucking Bell have disabled streaming........

  7. haven't they already been making canvas achilles for a while for more or less the same price...?

    The Tournament Low is pretty much a Canvass Achilles and while it sells for a little less than regular Achilles, they're still $300 something, a far cry from $150...

  8. Yall realize that banking has zero work life balance?

    if you want to be successful in any field, you'll have to seriously compromise on work life balance. This is a concept people don't seem to understand.

    While it's true that at the junior level banking is brutal, it opens doors like no other profession does and at the senior level, people don't work that much harder than in other high profile professions (executives, doctor, judge, etc). I would actually venture to say that non banking finance professionals, especially traders and other working market hours, don't have it very hard in terms of work-life balance (stress is another thing though).

  9. a saw a gigantic spider last night and she managed to hide under our fridge right before i could kill her. i couldn't get her under the fridge and i did not sleep well last night cause i kept thinking she was climbing on me....

  10. Some things i have learned over the years

    so.. once a cheater, always a cheater?

    For non-married people, i'd say yes, at least 90% of cheaters will do it again. 100% (or close to) of relationship that start with adultery will end with adultery, however special you may think the hook-up was.

    are you 12? breaking up and getting back together (i'd argue more than once) is some dumb high school shit for people forcing a relationship to 'work' when it clearly won't. its over, let it go.

    at least 90% of couples that end up back together after a breakup won't last. actually, getting back together after a break-up usually signals for me that the people in the relationship have entered the delusion phase and i don't need to bother any more / listen to their complaints / give advices etc...

  11. i hate netflix for putting up dubbed versions instead of subtitles on instant watch. i realllllly can't stand the retarded voice-overs

    hate this too. also hate canadian netflix with a passion, shit's been released like a year ago and there's still nothing, barely get a new decent movie every month. i'd get a vpn and us netflix, but it wouldn't work on my PS3 and my laptop doesn't have hdmi out......

  12. what in da fuck?

    but i feel like ive seen the whole movie already..

    true, but then i don't remember laughing that hard at a movie in a long time. really worth watching with a 12 pack and a couple of bros!!!!

  13. mini-rant: hate how producers ruin a good beat by adding some awkward ass cutup vocals ex. the UUUOOOHHHUUUOOHHH part in this track:


    i know they don't want to run into copyright problems down the road but i feel like this could be done more tastefully. then again i haven't heard most of these songs on a good sound system

    The UUUUOOOOOHOOO of whatever makes this track unlistenable, fully agree with you, so annoying....

  14. Wow, didn't realize that japan wasn't that dog friendly, and the company I'm negotiating with now has branches in multiple cities in japan, so I have a few options, it's still 7 months away, just trying to get prepared as possible. And yeah, the company is taking care of the relocation papers and all of that, I was just attempting to be a few steps ahead an already have a few places picked out. I'm meeting with them at the end of august, I guess a lot of it will be discussed then.

    in case you haven't checked into it yet, bringing a dog into Japan is quite a mess and the process takes 7 months +


    you could manage something not too far out central tokyo on 125K that's decent enough. my gf's sister had a pretty big 2LDK in Itabashi and she paid ~120K and the place was like 4 min away from ikebukuro and less than 30 to marunouchi so definitely light commute pretty much everywhere in centreal tokyo. there's ton of places like these in the outer wards that are worth looking into.

    Also, be ready to have MASSIVE electricity bills, husky will need AC 24/7 from june-sept. and electricity is crazy expensive (not to mention is short supply currently).

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