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Posts posted by yuljo

  1. I went to the Toronto premiere of Helvetica and it was such a solid documentary done very professionally with amazing music selections. It was also amazing (for me personally) to see and hear all these design "superstars" give their thoughts on Helvetica.

    The main fault with the documentary though is that if you have no background or knowledge about typography or graphic design then I don't know how much you'll enjoy it.

    Anyone else see it yet?

  2. When you're listening to music loudly and you mistake sounds in the song for your phone or other ringing devices and you go and check them and realize you're an idiot.


    people think Wes is overrated - I think he is underrated...

    I personally don't think he's overrated but I find it crazy that he has a guaranteed spot for every film he makes in the Criterion Collection.

  4. Probably 9 or 10 years ago when my parent's got cable internet I'd always be looking up Star Wars shit and i found a "Star Wars Name Generator" and Yul Jo Hamvo came out. I kept the yuljo part and have used it for every online name since.

  5. You could probably cut down the point size to 12, change the grey to someother color and get rid of the white background since your work has alot of white space. Also you might want to think of some other solution besides pop-up windows because you end up either closing windows every artwork or accumulating multiple windows.

    I would suggest sketching out some more ideas until you get to one that suits your style more.

  6. can someone justify buying a $240 CAD supreme sweater for me?? im going today or thursday to pick it up. thanks guys! (haha)


    The fit is awesome and the colours are awesome but really it's just medium-light french terry fabric and resale value is not going to be that much. If it was a hundred dollars cheaper, it would be a definite purchase.

  7. Damn I remember that tour. Lightning Bolt/Arab On Radar/The Locust/Blood Brothers. Locust and Blood Brothers were playing at another venue but something happened and they hopped on this bill. One of the best concerts I've seen.

    Shit, I would have loved to have been there.

  8. after years of dropping $2.00 (or more) at each trip to a coffee house where I go 3-5 times a week, I'm going to start making it at home with my french press. anyone have any ideas what are the best tasting grounds to buy? I know it's better if you ground it from beans yourself but I'm too lazy for that? any suggestions appreciated.

    My father has gotten crazy about coffee and now buys the beans green, roasts them himself, grinds them and then uses a french press. It's a ritual for him now.

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