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Posts posted by yuljo

  1. When I was really young, i would hold on to the edge of a pool with the jets. Few minutes went by and things would get all weird and shit. Years later I figured out was really going on.

    I've caught my younger brother about 5 times so far, mostly due to my lack of knocking and him doing it after school.

    As for myself, it varies from a few times a week to everyday.

  2. Never truly been hustled since I rarely carry cash but i've gotten the good ol' parking lot scam talk where the guys pull up to you and say they're making a delivery of stereo equipment for their boss and that the distributor gave them too many so they gotta sell them off to make a quick buck. They always say the speakers or whatever are worth thousands of dollars. I can't tell if they've stolen them or not but i'm not buying stereo equipment out of a soccer mom van.

  3. Started off gaming with watching my parents play the Monkey Island series and then Commander Keen and then I started playing. Went through a Descent and TIE Fighter phase when I got a joystick. I played some CS in highschool but then Steam rolled around and my computer was too slow for it so i got into MAME and started playing Cave shoot-em-ups.

    Oh yeah I was into Pokémon too.

    I suck at most games so I quit.

  4. INVDR

    T-shirts that I printed myself, these are some that I had laying around and whatnot. Printed on AAA tees.

    25 CDN shipped each

    Elk Hunter


    Sizes available: Medium, Large

    Elk Scout


    Sizes available: Small, Medium, Large, XLarge

    Robot with Blaster


    Sizes available: Small



    Sizes available: Medium

  5. Help me buy a bike or a digital SLR.

    Nudies Slim Jim Greycast Italian Made 31x34 Non-Selvedge




    140cdn shipped

    Free Uniqlo t-shirt from Sufu Uniqlo contest. Too big and I don't care for the print. Size XL


    Free to anyone willing to pay shipping.

    I might sell this, I may not, I'm not sure. It has been worn and washed a few times. I would definitely need at least 80$ CDN to consider selling it.

    size large


    Band Tees

    The Blood Brothers - New American Apparel size Large, worn and washed twice.

    23 CDN shipped


    Explosions in the Sky - New American Apparel Size Large, worn and washed twice.

    23 CDN shipped



    Arcade Fire - Old American Apparel Size XLarge , used but in good condition. Glow in the dark print from April 2005.

    60 CDN shipped.



  6. i'm sooooo fucking stoked.

    Too bads you're not 19.

    ratatat are amazing, i believe they actually perform the instrumentals.

    I havn't seen them yet but their live sets sound/look like they rock pretty hard over a drum machine.

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