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Posts posted by yuljo

  1. if i still had the online version, i'd be more than happy too. but alas, alack, the computer that had it/the cd is broken/gone now.

    people keep telling me to sell my cards, but their like such a big part of my formative years i really wanna hold onto them until like, forever?

    i have like alpha, beta, ice age cards... apparently their worth a good amount of money.

    Hold on to them unless you've got a black lotus or something. I've got all my cards kickin' it in a closet, only started at Ice Age though.

    Glad I got out of it before I hit drinking age.

  2. There was an ad on the Kitchener-Waterloo craigslist that I can't find and it was a 45 or 50 year old woman who just went through a divorce. The strange part was that she wanted a bunch of men to come to a hotel room and have a filmed bukkake party to celebrate her divorce.

    Needless to say, I rocked that party.

  3. My school has Univers in quite a few weights and sizes but no Helvetica at all strangely (for the letterpress).

    I've seen some type in antique stores though, not totally complete sets but a drawer's worth usually.

  4. is that keyboard ever gonna go on sale? i remember seeing prototypes just like that one a couple years back... has it been released yet?

    I think they put out a 3 key version but the oleds were slow and couldn't do the animations that they were hyping. the full keyboard is probably a long way off and will probably cost a pretty penny.

  5. Skiniks

    Read? Bread? I spat that in kindergarten

    Betchur a 300 fan, wishin' you were spartan

    Cambridge hoes are no where near acceptable

    Sort of like baseball cards, worthless yet collectable

    When this is all over you'll be begging me to fuck your mom

    No thanks dude, don't wanna get blood on my clan's tartan

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