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Posts posted by yuljo

  1. I bought the last large black striped w+h hoodie from Nomad yesterday and I'm very pleased with it but why the switch to Lampo zippers? The Riri zippers from before were so much nicer I thought.

    Oh and anyone wondering about prices it was 175cdn for the striped hoodies and 185cdn for the tiger fleece (the red/black is very nice).

  2. What makes the Loopwheeler hoodie so much better? Is it just the fact that it was made on a loopwheeler machine? The reason I ask is because spruce hoodies look and feel like quality while the pictures I've seen of the loopwheeler make it look like a very generic French terry hoodie and yet the price is about the same.

  3. Because they are usually done by the artists that might have collaborated on other items such as sneakers, or maybe, they just like the toys? I know I got interested in shoes and stuff after collecting books/toys and seeing their shoes too.

  4. Yeah most companies will just get a large screen but to do it so there is mis-registration due to the bumps in the stitching you would have to get the fabric printed prior to making the shirts.

    You'll also have to look around for a screenprinting company that will use such large screens.

  5. 1. I have never seen any mention or word of the pattern being printed on the toe box

    2. The shoes came unlaced while real shoes come laced

    3. The pattern looks incredibly bad, the original didnt have sparcity and poor overlapping

    4. Construction looks very shoddy

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