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Posts posted by Quiver

  1. if by logical you mean completely predicated on anecdotal evidence, and unsubstantiated assumptions, then yeah, hes totally interesting.

    gladwell's popularity alone defeats the point of reading him. if hes approachable enough for my aunt hilda to find value in his books, theres probably no real substance to it.

    Elitist much? Just when did a book have to be obscure for it to have value? I'm not looking for some unshakably definitve answer when reading popular science, so it's not hard to appreciate the anecodtes. They are a lot more fun to read about than statistics.

    Why the negativity when someone like Gladwell comes along and offers something that can engage people easily and challenge their perceptions a little? Aunt Hilda included.

  2. Sqeuaky - I haven't read Outliers but I enjoyed Blink and The Tipping Point. Gladwell explores what I consider really interesting subject matter and his narrative is easy to follow and (mostly) logical. I wouldn't shy away from picking it up after your Murakami.

  3. collapse.jpg

    Been watching and reading too much shit like this over the years and you kinda grow apathetic to it all after a while. Film was still decent but it annoyed me how Ruppert (or the editing) shuns off alternative energies all too readily, and subscribes to Peak Oil with absolute rigidity.

    Issues around the monetary system seems valid, although I've spoken with economist friends who were able to convince me otherwise quite easily. It is the problems with water, arable land, and population growth that have always seemed most pertinent.

    I'm rambling on a bit here cos if you even just take what he has to say half-seriously, a lot of shit in your life just seems so irrelevant. But no, I haven't started growing my own vegetable garden.

  4. MASH and MACAFRAMA were both very influential in the spread of fixed gear culture. The apparent recklessness in their respective films obviously appealed to certain demographics. A lot of the crew members are or have been bike messengers in the past and that's just how they rolled. Sure, it's dangerous what they're doing but as with many things, it's all part of the attraction.

  5. Someone in here posted The Great Happiness Space. Just watched. Opened my eyes to an interesting sub-culture. Found this quote in an article that struck a chord.


    As a yakuza, it’s okay to be betrayed. Don’t be the one to betray other people. If you betray (double-cross) others, you won’t be able to trust yourself. And if you can’t trust yourself (to be loyal, to keep your promises) you’ll grow not to trust others as well. And that’s a lonely life. And not the way a man should live.”

  6. Wu GuanZhong 1919 - 2010

    A controversial modern Chinese painter who was seen to be too progressive in what he considered a very institutionalised national art community. Wu blended traditional brush and ink technqiues with influences such as Impressionism. He set a record price for a work by a living Chinese artist in 2007 (Ancient City of Jiaohe - US$5.9M).

    Art grows in the wilderness. Individuality is vital to the artist. He should turn down the offer that he be artificially raised. The artist should let himself be at the mercy of the brutal forces of society and nature.




  7. ^^If you see what you think looks to be a skinny asian girl wearing faded deminz, slap em on the butt for me. Chances are it'll turn out to be a jap dude with dirty facial hair. That's my friend. He gets hit on by other dudes (mistakenly) all the time.

    I digress.

  8. I never completely understood why so many photographers decide to shoot the very mundane (myeslf included). Besides the play on composition, inclusion of particular textures, lines, light, and shadow, such photos become quickly redundant.

    I quite like these two by the way.

  9. I've been eyeing it in the bookstore for a while, but it's thickness and cheesy sounding author was offputing. Might go pick it up tomorrow. Speaking of which, is The Godfather any good to read if you've seen the movie? I skimmed the first two or three pages and it didn't seem that great.

  10. So I decided to lift my balls and ask her to join my group of friends and I.

    Could be initimidating for a lot of people to just go and hang out with a bunch of strangers know what I mean? Lift your balls more and just go and try to have a normal conversation - you know, one on one.

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