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Corbin Law

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Posts posted by Corbin Law

  1. well im 14 soon to be 15

    i didnt wear them every single day, i slept in them about everynight, i wore them whenever i was home, i occasioanlly wore them to school ( i got them march last year ), but whenever i got home from school whatever i was wearing came off and i wore these, so i made an effort to wear them at least once everyday.

    no i didnt bathe them everyday, ive only bathed them once which was yesterday, im not going to post the after wash pictures untill they start developing more color, but i think i did a damn good job for my first jean


  2. well im only a freshmen in highschool so i dont worry much about gettign laid right now, i wore them in a bath for about 20-25 minutes

    but those pictures are them before the wash, im gonna wait untill the color comes out a bit more before i take my washed pictures


    Edited by Corbin Law on Sep 4, 2005 at 12:12 PM

  3. If you Like the Zaf, you would like the regular ralf, Bootcut Ola and Flare Glen. I dont know how the hemmingways fit but these are the 3 bootcut jeans that nudie makes.

    The RR has a wide leg with a nice bootcut and it is a bit big on the waste and will stretch out mebe a size or so on the waist

    Flare Glenn ( i dont have a pair of these) is a tighter leg with a pretty big bootcut flare, not as big as the zaf though,

    Bootcut Ola is would say is most similar to the Zaf Zathan


  4. those are pics before the wash, but i did about 20 to 25 minutes in a bath of pretty hot water that really kinda cooled down after about 15 minutes. to dry em, i just wore them, they stayed on my body form the time i stepped into the bath to now. i never took them off, i wiped some excess water off and dried my uperbody off, but ive heard that the best way to get great whiskers is to just wear em so i did.,


  5. Quote:

    Nudie RR's are great - the Dry Regular Ralphs are better value than the washed ones IMO. Don't worry about them going out of style quickly, they are, in essence basic 5 pocket jeans.

    If price is a concern look around for alternatives. There's plenty out there.

    --- Original message by ringring on Sep 4, 2005 01:49 AM

    yes they are a basic 5 pocket jean, but they are different that say your average 47 501, they have a nice sized boot cut and did i mention they are amazing


  6. Its been 6 months to the day...yeah i remembered the exact day, may 3rd. I have a new Jean im itching to start on and my RR smell like shit and are pretty Dirty

    For somer eason i ma feeling really insecure about wahsing them like im gonna fuck em up, maybe its cause this is my first wash ever.

    The Wash I want is a Darker Wash, kinda like the one in the Nudie Booklet (the 40 degree example on the page with 4 jean pictures on it)I want a DARK WASH BUT WITH VERY VSIBLE FADING.

    so i just put them in the Washing Machine for the hottest setting then hang out to dry in the Sun?

    OMG picture Time




    Ive kept the Little Nudie Booklet in my backpocket for the entire 6 months



    Edited by Corbin Law on Sep 3, 2005 at 06:49 AM

    Edited by Corbin Law on Sep 3, 2005 at 06:52 AM

    Edited by Corbin Law on Sep 3, 2005 at 06:58 AM

    Edited by Corbin Law on Sep 3, 2005 at 07:00 AM

    Edited by Corbin Law on Sep 3, 2005 at 07:09 AM

  7. Quote:

    I'm trying to help ya'll out. Have fun sleeping in your jeans and doing squats all night

    --- Original message by so twisted on Sep 1, 2005 04:06 PM

    bah, i ahte it when people come and bash this board telling us to wash our jeans, go and read about what good jeans are all about and stop hatin bitch


  8. why woujld you skate in bapestas

    alot of people hate on Sb's but i luike them cause they are as comfortable as shit, some of the most amazing comfort a shoe has to offer


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