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Corbin Law

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Posts posted by Corbin Law

  1. Kanye is a self proclaimed fashion icon with no substance or though put behind it, and after hearing about him being this producing prodigy then whats this hes stealing Jay Z's beats. who is to say that his fashion ideas arent original either. and to tell the truth his fashion choices arent very original. popping a collar dear lord, that one has been rocked....in the eighties just brough back more prep shit


  2. Someone told me yesterday that when you are hired in stores like Hopllister and LV and they tell you to act snobbish to the customer and act better than them....any validation to this?


  3. in truth street wear is like you said the clothes of the homeless,


    but in a much more preferable truth, its the clothes that you confide in that sepparate you from the rest of the world. it doesnt have to be hip hop or punk, its just the look that is you and nothing else.


  4. woah shit, man i just saw thsi thread, lots of NT's oh well, i shalt hate,

    if you dont want people to rock APC just tell them that the color best matches their tiffanies when you wash them in 60 degree water RIGHT WHEN YOU BUY THEM. that should clear it up a bit

    And i got a question, you know how we talk about Nt'ers and shit, would people on NT talk about super talkers as denim whoring douche bags? or possibly ST'ers


    Edited by Corbin Law on Aug 8, 2005 at 12:45 PM

  5. Quote:

    A.P.C. doesn't have enough brand image or bling for the Nike Talk crowd.

    --- Original message by Serge d Nimes on Aug 3, 2005 10:56 PM

    Correct. Which is also why Nudie is more popular in Sweden than Acne(ok, sorry, I know you dont care but this is a good example) and why I dont wear anything that has anything on the backpockets :) Keeps me separetade from the herd.

    What APC jean is slightly tighter and more tapered than the NS? Should've tried some more models when I had the chance ;(

    --- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Aug 4, 2005 04:34 AM

    The Cure womens jean is tapered i think but its not selvage


  6. Quote:

    hahaha, tie around the neck...with jeans.

    --- Original message by thedonger on Aug 7, 2005 10:43 PM

    oh, should have specified, i thought you meant that look that all the bloomingdalians sport with 800 lacoste shirts on oveer their chip and peppers

    jeans and a tie yes, with like a Dior Homme style cut jeans with a fitted tight ass shirt and a thin black tie, youd look either amazingly dope or weird as shit


  7. Quote:
    Quote: they're all $140 now, up from $120

    they were all $109 just over six months ago....not lookin pretty....

    --- Original message by rhythmandsound on Aug 4, 2005 12:37 PM

    i got my ns the day before they went to 140...talk about timing

    oh the punditry


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