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Corbin Law

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Posts posted by Corbin Law

  1. Whya re you continually suggesting that APC is the Official Jean of this board, yes it is a nice jean and often we do support them but we dont give them the huge hype you are "hyperbolating". they are as incredible jean for the price, and the quality they offer is uequivalent to a jean you might find for 200-220


  2. i agree with you guys

    if a girl is going for dry she isnt worried about the result because she can duplicate it with just a wash jean much easier than we can.

    and a girls legs are in much greater contact wth the jean than a mans so they get much better wear over the course of 4-6 monts than we would get for 6-8.

    i was just using that was a generalization


  3. Quote:

    I don't know many chicks who'd wear the same pair of jeans for 8 months straight without washing em...

    --- Original message by Handlethevibe on Oct 3, 2005 01:24 PM

    um, how many GUYS do you know who would do that?

    --- Original message by shoegal on Oct 3, 2005 01:29 PM

    uumm... maybe mnost of the poeple here??


  4. everyone has somethign that interests them dear dctmfc. for some poeple it is collecting stamps, for others its killing people, for us it is just denim, its not that we are super self conscious about how we look at every waking moment, we just find the art of denim interestng. it isnt the art of how do i look in this, how can i get laid in this, how can i look cool in this, its justwearing somethign that you find interesting. its just another hobby that you wear on your body


  5. most of the comments are just, them hopping on to denim as if it were a tiffany dunk. not to hate or anything, but "what are apc and where can i get them in socal" to further quote shermzta, "how come you want to buy these jeans without even seeing them" 90% of them are jumping on it just for the sake of jumping on it

    but damn did you see those nudies? that fading is a work of art


  6. what i did for my RRDS was i took a nice warm bath, it didnt change the color at all, it jst made it a bit more blue instead of the reallyy dark blue you get with it unwashed.

    the hotter the water, like 60 C, will give you the best contrast and a much lighter outcome, a darker wash would coema s a result of soemthign like 40 C, i Washed mine in about 30 C, so nothing much changed but they got alot softer n such


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