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Posts posted by horriblyjollyjinx

  1. You cant just put the guy down he's expressing his feelings in his own way, he can't sprout up and write synopsis on how the presidential election of Barack Obama is so vital to the black community. He's going to go about it how he only knows how to

    My president is black, my Lambo's blue

    And I'll be goddamned if my rims ain't too

    My momma ain't at home, and daddy's still in jail

    Tryna make a plate, anybody seen the scale?

    That should pretty much sum up how he is a product of his environment. I think alot of black people "eat" that shit up is because some people relate, others dont either way people should know whats wrong/right. You can't blame stuff soley on a rapper who's just making music the way he knows. I wish it could be some kind of balance and the general black population could look up to Cornel West or some figure like that.

    hes got money now, tell homie to get his ass back in school for a degree.

    CHANGE, yes we can

  2. That dotted wabash fabric is rare as hell. I saw a jacket in the same fabric but black instead of indigo(even rarer) in a vintage shop in Harajuku for $1000 or so.

    However I don't see how the shirt is worth $7000 even in this condition. Must be an important piece for the buyer. Heller made overalls in the same fabric together with Warehouse.

  3. I've just dug out my copy of the s/s 09 booklet. THe booket is itself magnificent, based on Dorothea Lang'es dustbowl photos, and shot in Dungeness - beautiful photography and styling.

    There's a raw 44 in there which must be part of the standard range. Pocket material is herringbone. Can't see a distressed or Limited Edition version.

    There's also a drop dead brilliant 1920s Sack Coat in a distressed finish. plus some excellent chambray shirts and a wonderful 1930s brown leather jacket, the Menlo. Raw jeans include the 1880 (same as 1886), 1901, 1917 (new, aka the last Amoskeag jeans), 1927 (the first Cone jeans), 1933 (with NRA tag), 1937, 1944, 1947, 1954 (looks same as 55, paper 2-horse tag), 1966, 1978 and 1983 (the last selvage). Distressed jeans include an 1980, Buried Wraith, 1923 Khakis, 1937 Barren Land, 1947 Frayed Dry (very pale), 1954 Rootless, and 1966 roadside. The 505 is still in there, raw and distressed.

    Lot 66 are lovely bibbed overalls, distressed finish, again those quirky jeans that Japanese makers (with the honorable exception of Warehouse and Real McCoy) rarely attempt, and which LVC get little credit for.

    Fuck all those doom-mongers, this is an excellent collection, I can't wait to see it. Electum will be pleased to know that the new 1901 has the correct leather patch ( I know, those little errors can be irritating). Almost certainly this is the best LVC range of product I've seen since the 2003 one.

    a lot of pieces from ss09 as well as fw08 are going to be collectibles.

    pics of the full ranges on my blog for those who haven't seen.

  4. Edwin is definitely not low end when it comes to construction. Many people feel that the quality difference between their Leepros compared to RMC is hardly noteworthy.

    i've seen deadstock vintage 30s-50s lees here and the Edwin Lees are pretty much a perfect reproduction of them, right down to the shade of the denim etc.

    Downside would be they seem to lose indigo quite easily with a wash, but that may also be the case with the originals, im not sure.

    I actually prefer Edwin to RMC for Lee because the RMCs are only repros of full decades, not years.

  5. fuck man... that is the very definition of helplessness. i hate it when shit starts snowballing out of your control like that. it's kind of shakespearean tragedy in a way; a few decisions that seem almost trivial end up providing completely unforeseen (and unforeseeable) consequences. sounds like more than you can get out in one post.

    why does her dad hate you so much? i've always been in sweet with my various girlfriends parents but i did get very curious about what it would be like to be unaccepted (let alone loathed).

    why don't you just go with her to chicago? seems like a cool city from the little i know. and if shit hits the fan again then you can always move back?

    i refer kixslf to this post so he can learn what sort of situation might very well lead you to believe life is shit... of course, his situation may be worse... but how would i know... he just moans like a legless whore in the gutter.

    what do you mean helplessness? guys a tool

  6. Just got back after a whirlwind 2 day trip to Stockholm. Best places to shop imo were the Julian Red flagship store (met Piotr (sp?), one of the founders of the company who was real helpful and friendly)

    Piotr is the CEO and he's great. A good reason to go to their store is to just meet him.

    act bored, .

    word. and dont be nice to people you dont know.

    also, you can get in to any place as long as youre at least 20 and look cool. 18 years is the legal age, other age restrictions are generic and a reason to keep people they dont want out.

  7. Does anyone (Paul? HJJ?) know if the SS09 LVC rawjeans will be made in the USA?

    Also, when is SS09 supposed to drop?

    most will be made in the us as far as Levi's has told me. Rumors says they will be made at Caitac but Levi's wont comment on that.

  8. Son. Sit down.

    Women don't think logically.

    They think on emotions.

    Depending on their mood, the weather, their period, what they had for breakfast, the phase of the moon, etc, a woman's emotion and perception of you may change.

    And when they are young, they love the rollercoaster of emotions that "hot & cold" brings with it.

    Ever wonder why women love soap operas, dramas, tabloid gossip magazines, horoscopes, etc?

    It's because they provide women with that emotional rollercoaster they desire.

    So when they are young and attractive, they play this game to get that emotional addiction.

    It also serves as a screening test for the dozens of chumps out there trying to get in her pants.

    "Hot/cold" allows her to see if you have a strong personal identity, aren't needy and desperate, and have a backbone.

    She doesn't play the game on purpose, she does it subconsciously, so don't take her out on it.

    In fact, if you do, she'll most likely resent you for it.

    And the attraction will be lost.

    If she's a reasonably healthy woman, stand your ground and wait for her to come around and initiate contact.

    Don't push or she'll run away.

    Unfortunately, many women are attention whores and there isn't sure fire ways of recognizing one.

    In fact, there really is only one true way to know if a woman is interested in you: she's willing to fuck you.

    But even then, if she's crazy, that may be a fluke.

    That's the parodox of attraction.

    well, I like to think that there exists women who are like normal human beings and are able to be honest and direct about their feelings.

    I haven't accountered many that would support my theory though.

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