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Posts posted by horriblyjollyjinx

  1. You can't SEE. Look at the proportion. I've seen 55s and 47s RAW next to the same era NWT raw origianls and the 55 LVCs were alomst exact where the 47s were smaller. THe waist the thighs were uch trimmer as was the rise and not in the same portortion as the 55s. DIFFERENT. Cut slimmer just like ever pair of LVC 47s is slimmer and in different proportion than the same size LVC 55s. The thighs, seat, waist and rise are all slimmer on the 47 LVCs. THey have a different profile SLIMMER.

    A 38x27 would look wider cut than a size 28x36 which is why I ask you to provide the size of the jeans in the Levi's book.

    Without the size it is impossible to have any idea of the proportions of the original, no? :eek:

    When looking at pics from the era, the 501 seems to be all over the map in regards to how full or slim it is. Its appearance is a product of the wearer's body, height and waist size and thigh width etc, and how they were sized, tight to stretch out or loose to wear with a belt.

    The same person can wear 4 different sizes, making the jeans look completely different. I can wear sizes 28" through 32" for example.

    I can replicate this 1950s look that Paul posted perfectly with my Ooe or LVC 47(I even have blue 50s suede shoes like that!)


    In the thread at ringxring I have provided measurements of an original, that is cold facts without any personal judgement involved.

    If you insist I can also ask Ooe for measurements of their original 47-51 501.

  2. They're both 38/34s. You can get a real good idea of proportion by the waist and the leg width. Its not rocket science. And the 47s are cut slimmer and lower than originals form the same era. I've seen it with own eyes.

    I asked you the size of the originals that you use to say the reproductions are off.

    You have nothing to base your statement that the LVCs are too slim on.

  3. So what size are those original 47s pictured? that's right, you don't know so you can't judge the cut since you don't know the proportions of waist and length.

    The 47-55 comparison says nothing since it's all a matter of sizing and not cut. We all know they're sized differently but it's besides the point.

    I have measurements from originals and have seen tons more in person. The LVC 47 cut-wise is not bad.

  4. From looking at originals, I would say that up until mid-50s the pockets were very inconsistent in shape. If you were making a replica of a 40s pair, there's really no way to say how the pockets should be shaped because they're all quite different from eachother.

    But from around mid to late 50s they get more consistent but there are of course huge inconsistancies if we compare to today's manufacturing.

    I do find that late 50s and actually even up until late 60s the shape is quite similar. Often when I look at vintage Levis the first thing I judge from is the backpockets, and a lot of the time the jeans turn out to be 60s when I expect them to be 50s.

    by the way, backpockets on jp LVC 47 and 55 are shaped different from the EU ones. I like the 55 but I think it is not perfect, and different from a majority of 50s originals.

  5. There isn't a real solid opinion on accuracy in the 1947 models in LVC vs Sugar Cane.

    When people point to accuracy in LVC vs SC, they usually point to the 1955 501's. I've done quite a bit of research, and there's no definitive answer on which 1947 model is more accurate.

    As of now, the general consensus on the 47's is that the SC model has a larger anti-fit rise than the LVC collection. Otherwise, they're pretty similar.

    This is just another myth like the 555 one. I highly doubt that SC 1947s are more accurate than LVC 1947s. I have in fact compared measurements from a pair of original 1947s given by a seller on ebay and LVCs and they are spot on.

    I have also seen a lot of 40s-50s Levis in Japan and for example I looked at Ooe Yofukuten's early 50s pair and compared them to my Ooe 01XXs, which are very close to LVC 47s, and they matched up very well.

    People just want to believe that a small Jap brand would beat out the huge American corporation because it would be a good story.

    That's not to say that LVC is perfect because it certainly isnt. My biggest problem with LVC is usually the denim.

    For example the 47s are often lackluster and I find Cone denim in general to be alright but not good.

    What's funny though is that what everyone on this board is most interested in though is whether that buttons are stamped 555, if the denim is made by Cone and if the jeans are sewn in the US. These are completely superficial things that say nothing of the quality of the reproduction.

    I also have never seen original 40s-50s Levis with backpockets slanted as much as on the LVC 1947s, it seems to be exaggerated to make the 47 more distinguished.

    But once again, the most important thing on this board is a stamp and that Cone made the denim, not the quality of it.

    (side note: I personally have 555 551zxx and 555 201s and while I didn't quite swallow the whle 555 thing I did give it the benefit of doubt before learning more. )

    So, what I want to say to people reading this board that have not been around long enough to be able to judge for themselves is that there is an incredible amount of bs, misinformation, hype, myths surrounding Levi's and LVC and denim in general.

    So take everything with a HUGE grain of salt, except what's said by Paul T and perhaps some others which is very balanced.

  6. 松村2.jpg

    he's the owner of trump room, trump house, nude trump and red bar. for some reason he always waits tables himself.

    always wears all black and those glasses but usually jeans.

  7. yeah, coffee in japan is bad. a couple of times I ordered cappucino/latte/espresso and it ended up being brewed coffee+milk.

    its so expensive though. 350-500 yen for black coffee.

    nowdays I just try to get my coffee at a mcd cos its 120 yen there and its gonna suck either way. and i can get an apple pie for 100 yen with my coffee.

  8. I agree. But I dont think either will become collectable as IMO the quality did change significantly after the Valencia st. factory shut down. I have three items from the San Antonio factory - the quality IS good, but it still falls short of the 555's.

    BTW, although I love my 1927's, IMO the 233M stamp will never become collectable due to poor quality and historical inaccuracy!!

    I'd like to see you point out why the 555s are superior. If it's authenticity you're after, 555s are clearly INFERIOR, no worse LVC replicas have ever been made than at Valencia St.

    A lot of people don't have the capacity to judge things for what they are, so they use brands, symbols or single attributes to do so. This is the source of the 555 myth.

  9. i guess the 233 stamp will become scarce but not necessarily 'collectable'.

    i believe the San Antonio factory was the last Levi's owned and therefore holds a certain curiosty.

    There's a lot of things that seem to be collectible or sought after for no other reason than the myths built around them.

    I.e. 555, Cone denim, etc.

    I just want to say to everyone to make up your own opinion instead of conforming to others.

    There's just no reason why a 233 should be valuable. And of course, I personally don't care for 555 or 554 either.

  10. I asked at Levi's and all denim for LVC.jp is from Japan. They did have a few MIUS LVC pairs and I compared the 66s to the j-66 and the japanese denim is so many shades darked.

    So LVC.jp is probably close to 100% different frm EU/US, even if they have some of the same stuff.

  11. i think the tabi shoes were made only for the womens collection. however, there was a season in which he did it in the white/black canvas sneaker style and also a wellington boot version of the tabi shoes. those i may consider to be quite unisex as the normal tabi boots that were produced then had a very high, thick heel that was supposed to resemble the actual circumference of the human heel but stacked up.

    if you ask me, i find the current variations of the tabi, especially the one with the stiletto, to be quite ugly.

    mmm does produce mens shoes. you should be able to find it online here.

    I can get authentic Japanese tabi shoes for $50 + shipping.

    Black, white or navy.


  12. I guess I'll have to find out myself... did some light reading on wikipedia, but I'm not terribly interested in the music scene unless it's some crazy electronic shit. I'll be staying pretty much right next to the JR station in koenji, above a bar, by myself. I think the area has got a lot of potential, PLUS it's closer to shibuya/harajuku -- closer than tokiwadai, at least, which is where I stayed 2 years ago.

    I'm hoping koenji will have some good nightlife b/c of all the music clubs and the alleged claim that it's a "young person's town"

    koenji is real nice. quiet, cozy neighborhood with lots of vintage/used shops. only been there in daytime so I dunn about bars but I saw some places that looked like they might be good.

    Dont forget to check out Spank! shop.

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